Qanon -The Storm

Free Speech: We need more not less. Liberals are suppose to be for it. At least they use to be for it. Now they choose to shout down those they disagree with.

All presidents have dealings with Russia. Uranium One Deal. Bill's paid speeches. Obama's famous, "I'll have more flexibility after the election."

remind me which president in cooperation with Ted LIEu allowed American propaganda when he signed it into law? So the government and media can lie to its own ppl in supposed response to propaganda from other countries. Since the law went into effect the MSM and OUR government has been a propaganda machine. As mika said, " it's our job to tell you what to think" and know they can Disseminate disinformation or lie by omission.

E.G. Reporter A verified that the alleged killer of the Iowa student used illegal paper work to get through e verify as he is an illegal alien. He shared this story twice with that information.

Then, reporter A reports to liberal commentator on the same network. A man in Iowa allegedly kills Iowa girl.

Lies by omission and disseminating Disinformation are not our friends. It's not journalism and certainly hard to believe the American media has come down to this. Heavily heavily used by both parties. Truth doesn't have a left or a right-wing it's just truth. Too bad we can't just get straight news anymore.
remind me which president in cooperation with Ted LIEu allowed American propaganda when he signed it into law? So the government and media can lie to its own ppl in supposed response to propaganda from other countries. Since the law went into effect the MSM and OUR government has been a propaganda machine. As mika said, " it's our job to tell you what to think" and know they can Disseminate disinformation or lie by omission.

You got me.. What law?
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'QAnon' Is About Much More than Trump — It Reveals the Deep Pathologies of the Republican Party

If you're not a believer, you will have difficulty understanding how anyone can believe such a patently ridiculous confabulation.

The freshest theory, brought to us by BuzzFeed News, is also the most refreshing: Q is merely a hoax, concocted by leftists to make the right look extra dumb. For anyone with a functioning brain, a spirit of decency and a sense of humor, that's the only conspiracy with any traction.
Exciting news!!

New Q drips must be read upside down.
And backwards.
Can't wait for them
to be detsop
Trust the flim-flam


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