Qanon -The Storm

QAnon followers puzzled by Cohen guilty pleas

QAnon Leaders Crack Down on Mentions of Cohen After He Turned on Trump
Trump isn’t the only one freaking out about rats. The internet forum home to the pro-Trump conspiracy theory is struggling, too.

Good to see so many interested Vol fans in this thread. I thought nobody cared but obviously I was wrong. Welcome to everyone. Even the haters.:) I can also tell that many are starting to do a little research as well. That is a good thing. Remember, it's not DEMs vs Repubs. It's us vs the DC Elites.

ajvol01, You did a good thing here.

Trust The Plan or Don't. I don't care.
Good to see so many interested Vol fans in this thread. I thought nobody cared but obviously I was wrong. Welcome to everyone. Even the haters.:) I can also tell that many are starting to do a little research as well. That is a good thing. Remember, it's not DEMs vs Repubs. It's us vs the DC Elites.

Oh really.

You're not Trump, Trumpette, when you lie, your credibility gets completely demolished.

San Francisco "Poop Patrollers" Make $185,000

Mollie Tibbetts murder suspect arrested

President Winfrey

Cohen likely to cooperate with prosecution

Manafort Trial Thread

There are dozens more but I have decide to leave you with a hangnail of decency.

You're welcome.
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Good to see so many interested Vol fans in this thread. I thought nobody cared but obviously I was wrong. Welcome to everyone. Even the haters.:) I can also tell that many are starting to do a little research as well. That is a good thing. Remember, it's not DEMs vs Repubs. It's us vs the DC Elites.

ajvol01, You did a good thing here.

Trust The Plan or Don't. I don't care.
Good to see so many interested Vol fans in this thread. I thought nobody cared but obviously I was wrong. Welcome to everyone. Even the haters.:) I can also tell that many are starting to do a little research as well. That is a good thing. Remember, it's not DEMs vs Repubs. It's us vs the DC Elites.

ajvol01, You did a good thing here.

Trust The Plan or Don't. I don't care.

I care. I care about corruption unchecked for decades. I care about politicians who talk out of both sides of their mouths and become millionaires through graft. I care about children being harmed and sold like cattle. I care because I have seen first hand what illegal immigrants and "diversity" can do to a culture to destroy it. I care about poeple understanding what's going on instead of sticking their head in the sand and calling anyone who cares crazy. I've watched government agencies who are supposed to work for the people ride roughshod over those same people and spy on them. I care that America is being sold piece by piece and people are just standing by and watching it. I've watched as people have voted in socialist democrats and now they have a presence in our democratic republic government. I've watched the Muslim Brotherhood be given the keys to the white house.
I don't know who Q is. is this a larp? Highly doubt it from the proofs and one being link with djt. Larps don't generally get the level of negative media attention this has. Do I question some things, yes I do. I'm not a media person but I have seen the slow turn to propaganda, would hope others would strive to find the truth. Whether you find it with the info provided or seek it out yourself.
I care. I care about corruption unchecked for decades. I care about politicians who talk out of both sides of their mouths and become millionaires through graft. I care about children being harmed and sold like cattle. I care because I have seen first hand what illegal immigrants and "diversity" can do to a culture to destroy it. I care about poeple understanding what's going on instead of sticking their head in the sand and calling anyone who cares crazy. I've watched government agencies who are supposed to work for the people ride roughshod over those same people and spy on them. I care that America is being sold piece by piece and people are just standing by and watching it. I've watched as people have voted in socialist democrats and now they have a presence in our democratic republic government. I've watched the Muslim Brotherhood be given the keys to the white house.
I don't know who Q is. is this a larp? Highly doubt it from the proofs and one being link with djt. Larps don't generally get the level of negative media attention this has. Do I question some things, yes I do. I'm not a media person but I have seen the slow turn to propaganda, would hope others would strive to find the truth. Whether you find it with the info provided or seek it out yourself.
tenor (5).gif
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I care. I care about corruption unchecked for decades. I care about politicians who talk out of both sides of their mouths and become millionaires through graft. I care about children being harmed and sold like cattle. I care because I have seen first hand what illegal immigrants and "diversity" can do to a culture to destroy it. I care about poeple understanding what's going on instead of sticking their head in the sand and calling anyone who cares crazy. I've watched government agencies who are supposed to work for the people ride roughshod over those same people and spy on them. I care that America is being sold piece by piece and people are just standing by and watching it. I've watched as people have voted in socialist democrats and now they have a presence in our democratic republic government. I've watched the Muslim Brotherhood be given the keys to the white house.
I don't know who Q is. is this a larp? Highly doubt it from the proofs and one being link with djt. Larps don't generally get the level of negative media attention this has. Do I question some things, yes I do. I'm not a media person but I have seen the slow turn to propaganda, would hope others would strive to find the truth. Whether you find it with the info provided or seek it out yourself.

Really good post. I agree. I do care about the exact same things. I have also found that some of the Q Proofs do lead back to Trump. It is hard to decipher what is real and what is not. Q said that misinformation is necessary. The problem I have with that is that it does tend to turn many off. I'm in a wait and see approach and people can decide for themselves. Politics gets in the way of truth way too often and that is what the Elites want. They want us divided.

This is the simplest Proof I know of. The Son of President Trump tweets the Sun photoshopped into a Q.

The other is when an anon asked Q to have President Trump say Tippy Top in the State of the Union Address which he did not but he did a couple of months later in his Easter Speech. I do not believe this is a coincidence. I also believe if Q was just spewing all nonsense, that Trump would have discredited Q by now.

Tip Top Tippy Top Shape: Time Mark: 28:04

There are many more proofs but I find these to be the most compelling and easiest for non Q followers to understand. For those that do not follow Q and watch the Decode Videos, these are pretty easy to see.

Some say Q is a Psyop and I can certainly see that being the case. Whether it's a Psyop to win the country back from the evil Elites or one to cause chaos and confusion is the real question for me. Either way, much has been exposed through the Q movement.
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Really good post. I agree. I do care about the exact same things. I have also found that some of the Q Proofs do lead back to Trump. It is hard to decipher what is real and what is not. Q said that misinformation is necessary. The problem I have with that is that it does tend to turn many off. I'm in a wait and see approach and people can decide for themselves. Politics gets in the way of truth way too often and that is what the Elites want. They want us divided.

Lies, Lies and More Lies
New: Title TBD

Q!!mG7VJxZNCI 26 Aug 2018 - 11:46:38 AM

Suicide weekend?
Hands up?

We are in control.
BIG week ahead.

JW: IRS Documents Reveal McCain Staffer Urged IRS to Engage in “Financially Ruinous” Targeting
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New: Title TBD
Q!!mG7VJxZNCI27 Aug 2018 - 8:04:20 PM
Focus Here:
"…raise troubling questions about Halper, who was believed to have worked with the CIA and part of the matrix of players in the bureau’s ‘CrossFire Hurricane’ investigation into Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. Halper, who assisted the FBI in the Russia investigation, appears to also have significant ties to the Russian government, as well as sources connected directly to President Vladimir Putin."📁
Define 'Projection'.
D's SCREAM when POTUS meets w/ PUTIN?
D's demand to hold hearings w/ the interpreter used during the private POTUS-PUTIN meeting?
D's demand ALL meetings w/ PUTIN be CANCELLED?
If POTUS knows everything - control over what orgs are central to operational success?
1. DOJ
2. FBI
3. NSA
Ask yourself, if above are central to operational success, who would you pick to lead such orgs?
HRC election loss = CF inflow stop
CF inflow stop = No Name Institute inflow ramp
Compare donors.
Direct correlation?
[He did not depart on his own terms]
Think FLYNN [30].
Exactly [30].
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Q!!mG7VJxZNCI27 Aug 2018 - 8:11:09 PM
Think for yourself.
Research for yourself.
Trust yourself.
Clickbait opinions are designed to attract reader to subscribe and/or follow and/or shape a pre-designed narrative.
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Right-wing, transphobic nutjob Alex Jones loves his tranny porn. Go figure. Turns out he's the gayest frog of all.

New: Title TBD
Q!!mG7VJxZNCI28 Aug 2018 - 1:16:41 AM
Was 'Nazism' ever truly destroyed?
Was it merely a sub-division within a larger organization?
One finger attached to a hand?
Did ANTIFA organically form?
Flag design coincidence?
Socialist push in US/WW coincidence?
Global power struggle.
There is a price we will not pay.
There is a point beyond which they must not advance.
We, the PEOPLE.
New: Title TBD
Q!!mG7VJxZNCI28 Aug 2018 - 1:16:41 AM
Was 'Nazism' ever truly destroyed?
Was it merely a sub-division within a larger organization?
One finger attached to a hand?
Did ANTIFA organically form?
Flag design coincidence?
Socialist push in US/WW coincidence?
Global power struggle.
There is a price we will not pay.
There is a point beyond which they must not advance.
We, the PEOPLE.

After WWII 900 Nazi scientists were brought here or sent to Spain for a bit. The USA lusted after their accomplishments. Those scientists were some of the most eggregious abusers of human rights ever. Given new names and jobs they were well protected.
Some generations will allow that power of abuse to continue to be passed down. Some generations will decide to go away from it. I think with Antifa we are seeing the former.
It never died.

VN Store
