Qanon -The Storm

Because Qanon is equivalent to Al-Qaeda in its infancy. The Qnuts have already shown the ability and desire to terrorize random places in order to cleanse and liberate the population from whatever dystopian bs they think is going on. Like Al-Qaeda and ISIS, Qanon's endgame is to murder anyone who isn't in lock step with their twisted ideology.
I'm going to throw you a bone.

hasty generalization - Google Search
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Lol Breitbart, what a tool.

Also, imagine getting p!ssed at someone suggesting a bunch of present day Timothy McVeigh's are into Qanon then posting a Breitbart video that declares actual war against people who suggest there are a bunch of Timothy McVeigh's in your little group. I'm just glad I don't work in a Federal facility anymore.
Lol Breitbart, what a tool.

Also, imagine getting p!ssed at someone suggesting a bunch of present day Timothy McVeigh's are into Qanon then posting a Breitbart video that declares actual war against people who suggest there are a bunch of Timothy McVeigh's in your little group. I'm just glad I don't work in a Federal facility anymore.
It's a shame. Maybe they could have taught you difference between the plural and possessive tenses with enough time.
Lol Breitbart, what a tool.

Also, imagine getting p!ssed at someone suggesting a bunch of present day Timothy McVeigh's are into Qanon then posting a Breitbart video that declares actual war against people who suggest there are a bunch of Timothy McVeigh's in your little group. I'm just glad I don't work in a Federal facility anymore.

It must have been very scary for you there going in each day being scared of the Q people. I’m glad you could escape that dangerous environment.
It must have been very scary for you there going in each day being scared of the Q people. I’m glad you could escape that dangerous environment.
Like I said earlier, they are the equivalent to Al-Qaeda in its infancy. If we quash this crap now the only thing we'll do in 5 years is look back and laugh at all the idiots who believed this junk. If we do nothing, those same idiots will be the leaders of a movement that gets disillusioned young males to drive a truckload of ammonium nitrate into a federal facility.
Lol Breitbart, what a tool.

Also, imagine getting p!ssed at someone suggesting a bunch of present day Timothy McVeigh's are into Qanon then posting a Breitbart video that declares actual war against people who suggest there are a bunch of Timothy McVeigh's in your little group. I'm just glad I don't work in a Federal facility anymore.
The fact that you don’t understand the context of the video is all anyone needs to know.

The media calling people they disagreed with politically “Nazis” & “potential Timothy McVeighs” was exactly what motivated him to create Breitbart.

The war is on ideas and culture. Not physical violence.

Go to bed junior.
Like I said earlier, they are the equivalent to Al-Qaeda in its infancy. If we quash this crap now the only thing we'll do in 5 years is look back and laugh at all the idiots who believed this junk. If we do nothing, those same idiots will be the leaders of a movement that gets disillusioned young males to drive a truckload of ammonium nitrate into a federal facility.
Roughly how many Q posts have you read?
Because Qanon is equivalent to Al-Qaeda in its infancy. The Qnuts have already shown the ability and desire to terrorize random places in order to cleanse and liberate the population from whatever dystopian bs they think is going on. Like Al-Qaeda and ISIS, Qanon's endgame is to murder anyone who isn't in lock step with their twisted ideology.
LOL for a guy denouncing a group for being wild dangerous conspiracy theorists you sure are Jim Jonesy.
Roughly how many Q posts have you read?
Between what gets posted here and whatever all the racist 45 - 65 year old white dudes facing a mid life crisis I know have posted on social media I'd estimate around 500.

The common theme is that Q always seems to post just enough to get them (racist 45 -65 year old white dudes in a mid life crisis) all riled up and angry at Hilary and the Obamas for the umpteenth time, but never goes all the way so that he, she, or they can be held personally responsible for what the Qnuts end up doing with that information. Not that that would happen, considering that the anon in Qanon stands for anonymous (which makes it even more hilarious when the Qnuts get all downtrodden when an article citing an anonymous source is written).

It seems that Q learned from his, her, or their early mistake of actually descriptively predicting an event would happen (Clinton arrests) and instead pivoted to posting vague nonsense that would grind the gears of the cultists and only make them want more.
Well, we appear to have a resident expert espousing the need to quash Q followers before they get violent.

So.... My question for that expert is what’s the suggestion for quashing the brainwashed leftist cult followers across the country that are currently causing violence by burning, looting and killing folks?

How exactly does one deprogram violent cultist extremists?
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No, I said it is equivalent to Al-Qaeda in its infancy, here's my actual quote:

I then linked to multiple articles that proved my point.

And here you are, still unable to tell me, or any of the other posters who call out this crap for what it is, how we're wrong. Which comes first, your explanation or the Clintons in handcuffs?
With he who makes the accusation, lies the burden. Think I read that maxim somewhere.
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Well, we appear to have a resident expert espousing the need to quash Q followers before they get violent.

So.... My question for that expert is what’s the suggestion for quashing the brainwashed leftist cult followers across the country that are currently causing violence by burning, looting and killing folks?

How exactly does one deprogram violent cultist extremists?
I suggest high velocity water cannons.... But that's just me. Kills 2 birds with one stone, they tumble away and it puts out fires. Win win.
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13-Sep-2020 12:32:54 PM EDT
SEPT 14-18, 21-25 [track & follow events]
Did Kevin set his alarm?
13-Sep-2020 3:04:17 PM EDT
How do you accomplish the following:
1. Terminate history-making economic gains made by POTUS prior to the election
2. Stall US-China trade phase II _buy China time _prevent loss of billions [locked new agreement]
3. Terminate [hold] POTUS record attendance rallies across USA _deplete and remove enthusiasm
4. Protect Biden from embarrassment re: mental health [clear cognitive decline], Q&A, rally attendance crowd size, lack of enthusiasm, etc.
5. Protect Biden from Ukraine scandal re: himself & son _C19 change of narrative
6. Protect Biden from sexual assault allegation _C19 change narrative
7. Protect and shelter #MeToo [D] created movement _preserve to target future [R] sexual assault allegations _allow hold vs Biden due to C19 narrative change
8. Create non_digital pathway to rig 2020 Presidential election _engage 80 million mail-in-ballot distribution [coordinated as early as April/May] to sidestep election night defeat [no 'concede'] attempt ballot harvest media push 'we don't know how many ballots are left undelivered by postal service' re: legal challenge battleground states _stall_challenge_push division/chaos _CLAS1-99
9. Create division hatred fear campaign primarily scare senior citizens from voting in person on election day _riots _protests _C19 death _eliminate enough senior [R] votes counteract [D] to [R] defection(s)
10. Create impression country divided _use EU-early war election gaming tactics against current administration
11. Propaganda blame attack current administration economic hardship(s), death toll, attack plan re: safety and wellbeing re: C19 failed _push Biden _stage Biden had answer to Pandemic early on _country will heal w: Biden victory _violence will end w: Biden victory
12. Change narrative 44 administration treason & corruption to POTUS C19 failure and death blame
13. Isolate faithful from each other _remove ability to attend Church [house of worship]
14. Justify social media censorship by using C19 W.H.O. claims as primary foundation _extend beyond C19 to other 'political' areas to remove and cut off forms of anti-narrative communication [seize control]
15. Leave door open to Constitution crisis
16. Avoid/delay public exposure of corruption & accountability _prevent loss of control/power
17. Avoid/delay loss of US taxpayer trillions due to loss of control _inability to enact corrupt policy to send money overseas disguised as goodwill/climate _unregulated _no audit policy
How do you accomplish the above?
Release a _____?
Who benefits the most?

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