Yes. My comment stands. He will not have made a dent in China's influence here.
The professor is talking about the trade war and how they have friends high up in our government (they should...we should and do have friends high in their government). This is how diplomacy works. He's talking about avoiding trade war escalation. If he's actually talking about nefarious stuff, then he might be a nutjob. He's a college professor. You think he actually knows anything about Chinese agents in our government? Would a professor here know that about our government? Of course not. It's not what you think he's saying. It's a classic Tucker Carlson overreaction, and he'll keep on doing them because people bite this **** hook, line, and sinker.
He says it himself "it's as close to a smoking gun..." because he knows it's not a smoking gun.
Furthermore, think about a professor in the United States leading a discussion like credible will you find the guy if he starts talking about our government's influence and deals with Ukraine? Tucker didn't even explain why this guy would be seen as an authority on the matter. I can't google him because I don't know how to spell his name. I've tried like 5x to get it right. Tucker inconveniently did not display his name (maybe because he's not a real authority on the matter?). I can't google it to try to verify the translation (I've been burned by the MSM before on translations, like with Ahmedinejad).