Qanon -The Storm

I guess I took it as something related to qanon since you were in this thread. I also know yesterday was National take down your Christmas tree day.
In my mind at least, Q and Jan. 6th are connected at the hip.
Apologies for saying "but then you knew that."
In my mind at least, Q and Jan. 6th are connected at the hip.
Apologies for saying "but then you knew that."
No apologies needed. Now that you mention it, Q started hot, cost people their jobs, and that was it. Whoever q was spent their political capital early on and then the momentum waned. Then it dropped off the Cliff.
I would like to believe there is a way to cure corruption in government. There is only one afforded in the founding fathers writing. If the government has become tyrannical replace it with a form that works. It don’t believe it’s possible to remove the monstrosity that the government has become, only to navigate it carefully.
Holy ****, they are still going strong. Whoever this is has 38k followers and the comments are batshit. LMAO at "Daddy T"

Anonymous intel shared with message boards 4chan and 8chan. Hints shared on Twitter

Anyone else following this?


New links:
QMAP: Qanon Drops & POTUS Tweets
QAnon Posts & Drops | Q

B (@B75434425) on Twitter

Government officials of interest:

James Comey - ex FBI Director, lawyer up 1/23
Andrew McCabe - FBI Deputy Director, removed 1/29
Peter Strzok - FBI Chief, lawyer up 1/23
Lisa Page - FBI lawyer- affair w/ Strzok
James Rybicki - FBI Chief of Staff, resigned 1/23
Josh Campbell - asst to Dir Comey, resigned 2/1
Michael Kortan -FBI Head of Public Affairs, resigned 2/8

David Laufman - DOJ chief of the National Security Divisions Counterintelligence and Export Control Section, resigned 2/7
Rachel Brand - DOJ #3 in charge, resigned 2/9
Does Q have any thoughts on Ukraine? Something like Trump + x -y/Easter Bunny= the Super Bowl?
The latest larper theory is that the former Trump admin is actually running a shadow government in exile and is pulling the strings behind the scenes. This is why we haven't gone to war with Russia yet; they are stopping it from happening.

I wish I was making this up. Some of these people definitely took their ball and went home after Biden won (RIP AJ) but others went deeper in the rabbit hole.
Another hoax

Some dish**s might have thought they were more powerful than Antifa, but there was never a Q/Q anon

Another lie.

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