Quarantines to help reduce the spread of virus



"Slava Ukraina"
Aug 14, 2007
Who thinks this would be an effective way to slow or stop the spread of the virus?
Who thinks this would be an effective way to slow or stop the spread of the virus?

Depends on factors. Including:

If we had early testing, it would be more effective.

If there is reason to suspect a positive, you have to quarantine everyone who lives there.

Must be true quarantine, not just limit some contact. Got to stop all.
Depends on factors. Including:

If we had early testing, it would be more effective.

If there is reason to suspect a positive, you have to quarantine everyone who lives there.

Must be true quarantine, not just limit some contact. Got to stop all.

Glad you jumped in. So in retrospect, should we have probably had quarantines for HIV/AIDS patients back in 1982-1983 before it spread to the larger community?
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Quarantine for a disease that isn't airborne or transmitted via contact doesn't accomplish much.
Well, it is spread by a certain kind if contact, but either way why does that even matter? Hypothetically, if HIV carriers could have been quarantined nearly 40 years ago, HIV wouldn't have been able to spread.
How does a quarantine prevent transmission via intravenous drug use?

Legally mandated rehab? Maybe.

Are you really that dense? If you quarantine that person, they dont have contact with anyone else. Sharing needles or anything else that could possibly spread it.
Well, it is spread by a certain kind if contact, but either way why does that even matter? Hypothetically, if HIV carriers could have been quarantined nearly 40 years ago, HIV wouldn't have been able to spread.

Theoretically, that's true. But given the type of contact that was required, the better option would have been for everyone to be honest about the risk factors, and for people to simply stop engaging in the risky behavior. Obviously, society must try a different approach when the risky behavior might be touching the same countertop or simply being near someone who coughs as opposed to the risky behavior being intravenous drug use or sodomy.

And of course the big question is do AIDS patients get quarantined for life?
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Glad you jumped in. So on retrospect, should we have probably had quarantines for HIV/AIDS patients back in 1982-1983 before it spread to the larger community?

1. AIDS is not casually transmitted
2. Many people with AIDS don’t know they’re infected
3. This would hinder real AIDS treatment and research, forcing patients underground
4. Quarantine is a last resort for an extremely virulent disease, not to be used to alleviate paranoia or to alienate certain populations.
Are you really that dense? If you quarantine that person, they dont have contact with anyone else. Sharing needles or anything else that could possibly spread it.

I assume you're talking about forced quarantine, because the idea of a voluntary quarantine for an addict is obviously silly. A forced quarantine, as opposed to a mandated rehab, is borderline inhumane.
I think it would. But all Dr's seem to be of one voice in that unless you are suceptable to viral things the risk of death is extremely low.
I guess you would have to detail what you mean by "quarantine." Are you talking just for contacts of known cases, nursing facilities, businesses, or schools with documented exposures, or entire cities like we saw in China?
Theoretically, that's true. But given the type of contact that was required, the better option would have been for everyone to be honest about the risk factors, and for people to simply stop engaging in the risky behavior.

In the early 1980's, the projections for HIV/AIDS were about as grim as you are seeing some of these coronavirus worst case scenarios... probably worse. Yet, we seemed to still have the disease spread.

Why didn't your common sense approach work?
I think you have to ask what is the mortality rate people find to be unacceptable. Because a quarantine would require measures that would do major damage to our economy. The ripple effect would be mind boggling.
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1. AIDS is not casually transmitted
2. Many people with AIDS don’t know they’re infected
3. This would hinder real AIDS treatment and research, forcing patients underground
4. Quarantine is a last resort for an extremely virulent disease, not to be used to alleviate paranoia or to alienate certain populations.

See, you've put your finger on to something...

Why would you suggest that it would alienate certain populations?
In the early 1980's, the projections for HIV/AIDS were about as grim as you are seeing some of these coronavirus worst case scenarios... probably worse. Yet, we seemed to still have the disease spread.

Why didn't your common sense approach work?

Because it wasn't tried, at least not in the early 80s. There was a great deal of denial regarding who was really at risk. Those who were willing to be honest were labeled bigots. It took some of the leaders in the gay community finally acknowledging reality to make a dent in the epidemic. Unfortunately that took almost a decade.
Because it wasn't tried, at least not in the early 80s. There was a great deal of denial regarding who was really at risk. Those who were willing to be honest were labeled bigots. It took some of the leaders in the gay community finally acknowledging reality to make a dent in the epidemic. Unfortunately that took almost a decade.
So in other words, we chose a politically convenient remedy and rolled the dice with the public health?
See, you've put your finger on to something...

Why would you suggest that it would alienate certain populations?

First, what about the rest of the common sense points about quarantine?

Second, It’s common knowledge today that in the US the highest risk populations are IV drug users and the male gay populations, but in the 80s, people basically thought only gay men could catch it, so you’re basically suggesting with 1980s knowledge just wholesale locking up gay men. Hmmm, who would want to use AIDS as an excuse to get rid of that population?

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