Queen Elizabeth II has passed.

I wonder what he would have done without all that smack.

And so many others. He'd have been healthier, I don't know if he could have been better. I saw him during the early '80s Alligator era. He opened with a 12 minute instrumental which was mostly him soloing. And never lost steam the next 2.5 hours like 'doesn't everyone open with Stairway to Heaven and Free Bird?" Monster, prototypical bluesman.
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I kind of went down the royal rabbit hole yesterday with all their titles , assets and income . To say it’s extremely complicated and layered is an understatement. Lol
I kind of went down the royal rabbit hole yesterday with all their titles , assets and income . To say it’s extremely complicated and layered is an understatement. Lol
Lol. Yea.

Complicated by the fact it all goes back over 1000 years…
I clicked on Fox Business's website to see where the market was at, and this title for a video link caught my eye.
"Queens's coffin arrives in England for the first time since Her Majesty's Death"

I guess they wanted people to know that it wasn't the second or third time they flew her in.
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I despise monarchism, and I've been a lapsed Catholic for several years now, but this was a beautiful rendition of one of my favorites, Psalm 139, while the Queen's coffin was carried into Westminster Hall. Westminster Abbey and St. James Palace choirs. Also, before anyone says anything, I know the Queen was Anglican. The Psalms are the same.

How mush CO2 was emitted by all these high fliers flying to a funeral? This endangers our Planet.

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