Queen Elizabeth II has passed.

I don't have feelings one way or the other regarding QE (RIP) or the royal family as a whole. What I don't understand is why any American would be enamored with the royals or really even GAF.

I'm not necessarily enamored with them, but despite what some people say, the Royals are still respected (for the most part) by a close ally. And she's been a significant figure in that country since WWII and even doing her part during that conflict.

Queen Elizabeth II Pitched in During the War as a Mechanic

We can mourn with them over the passing of a significant, but reasonably down to earth, leader who's been involved in world affairs longer than either of us have been alive.
I'm not necessarily enamored with them, but despite what some people say, the Royals are still respected (for the most part) by a close ally. And she's been a significant figure in that country since WWII and even doing her part during that conflict.

Queen Elizabeth II Pitched in During the War as a Mechanic

We can mourn with them over the passing of a significant, but reasonably down to earth, leader who's been involved in world affairs longer than either of us have been alive.

I understand people mourning the passing of QE, from what I know about her (which isn't much) she was a class act.
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I don't have feelings one way or the other regarding QE (RIP) or the royal family as a whole. What I don't understand is why any American would be enamored with the royals or really even GAF.

I don't get either. A couple of wars were fought so that Americans didn't have to care about the royal family and now a lot of Americans hang on everything those people do. It's kinda pathetic.
I don't get either. A couple of wars were fought so that Americans didn't have to care about the royal family and now a lot of Americans hang on everything those people do. It's kinda pathetic.

I agree, couldn't imagine being asked to bend a knee to someone simply because of the family they were born into.
I don't have feelings one way or the other regarding QE (RIP) or the royal family as a whole. What I don't understand is why any American would be enamored with the royals or really even GAF.
Two words “Hallmark” “Channel”
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Defending a pedophile.
Plenty of posters on here defending a pedophile, too. She was a mother defending her son. What's the excuse for those that defend Biden? Other than politics, that is.
Who cares? 150,000 other people died yesterday too, and I don't see posts about each one of them. I don't see any posts about the several people murdered by a serial killer in Memphis last night that was joy riding around town in multiple stolen vehicles shooting random people in the face either.

Regardless, don't see how that or any of what I posted either relates to football.
She was a world leader who reigned for almost seven decades with dignity, grace, and politeness. She made no real enemies and was cherished by all the political parties of her country. The staggering implications of that are hard to fathom in today’s hateful and partisan culture. Do you realize that she actually served the military when Hitler was in power? She was the last of the greatest generation. We shall never see her equal again
She was a world leader who reigned for almost seven decades with dignity, grace, and politeness. She made no real enemies and was cherished by all the political parties of her country. The staggering implications of that are hard to fathom in today’s hateful and partisan culture. Do you realize that she actually served the military when Hitler was in power? She was the last of the greatest generation. We shall never see her equal again

Also, every little girl (and the cis person board libs) wanted to be a princess or queen when they grew up.
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It’s disappointing that none of the heirs were named Henry. I unfortunately missed Henry Vllll by a couple of years and for all the intrigue that surrounded him I can only imagine how interesting Henry Vlllll would be.
I'm sure this thread has been interesting. But having read none of it this is where I'm at. I don't celebrate her death, I can understand the historical significance of her rule and death, yet I abhor the entire institution she represented.
It’s disappointing that none of the heirs were named Henry. I unfortunately missed Henry Vllll by a couple of years and for all the intrigue that surrounded him I can only imagine how interesting Henry Vlllll would be.

That would be Henry IX

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