Are you sure he isn't comparing Obama to fecal matter? Flies tend to be quite fond of that.
We may have a winner!!!
Honest question.
You don't think if it was Clinton he'd still have the flies pic?
Ok, let's be honest ...
GS you dislike the Muslim faith for the same reason I do--
Killed Cat Stevens career.
peace train forever baby.
Now that's funny.
Did they lie about being Muslim?
But if you are the islamic scholar you claim to be, then
you know that it is OK to claim to be Christian or anything
else, for forty years or more, as long as you are acting
in the furtherence of islam.
I know some very intelligent persons who routinely switch-up names and places and carry on without even noticing (my Mother has done this for the thirty years I have known her).
No big surprise there, the apple doesn't fall far from
the tree.
Do you still live at home with her as Breivik did with his
I know that I owe him for making sure I get my monthly VA check.
Bradley doesn't get near the credit he deserves for
being a brilliant field commander but then he always
gave credit for victory to his men even thought it was
often his meticulus planning and attention to detail
that gave his men the edge.
Ok GS, I'll be the one to ask. I do believe you will answer honestly or I wouldn't ask. I'm also asking for a simple answer and not pics.
1) Are your anti black and racist?
2) Why the pics of the President with flies? What does that mean to you?
3) Would you have the same loathing for Hillary?
1. NO!
2. I can't speak for the artist but I explained that once
that as flies are attracted to carrion, the flies on Obama
refer to the dead ideology he promotes.
3. My loathing of Hillary is equal if not more.
The last thread I started about her was deleted by
some leftist monitor, I didn't even use 'Hitlery' in the
header and asked a valid question; "Is Hillary's assistant
a Saudi spy?" I presented evidence that this indeed
a fact.
You are trying to argue that Obama could be a Muslim even though he says he is not. Then, you said that some of the 9/11 Terrorists said they were not Muslim, when they were. I want to see the report of this; if I do not, I am going to outright dismiss your argument.
Then you deny the moslem tenet of taqqiya????
So what do the flies signify, gs?
Would that not be intuitively obvious to even the
most casual of observers?
Notice the symbol above the head of the president.
Notice several other bits of emblematic inserts.
He said the flies signify a "culture of corruption" before. Which you know is a load of crap.
Or maybe just a crappy president.
Your memory fails you once again, as it did with
the irreverant Urdu speaking parrot.