I am not nearly the ideologue you think. It might seem that way because a large amount of what I post here is in response to -- or trying to have conversation about -- what I perceive to be irrational demagogeury from the far right.
What I want most of all in a POTUS at this point in my life and in the nation's history is someone who makes the trains run on time and wants to adjust to, and move forward with, the changing face of the country and the world.
I don't like people running who rely on harkening back to "the good old days," or some version of that concept, because I think it appeals to prejudices (of many types) and more importantly dooms us to losing our place as the world's greatest country.
There's a reason we got to this point - namely, self-reliance and an almost radical focus on individual rights and self determination. The move towards an ever expanding reliance on the Federal government is not unique and does not lead towards greatness - it is the common approach practised around the world with predictably mediocre results and the fruits of this mentality are coming home to roost.
One can attempt to return to the founding philosophy without the baggage of slavery, poor working conditions, etc. It is not an all or nothing proposition.
I daresay that over the millenia many empires and world powers have imploded for failure to understand what was going on around them and to meet those challenges, instead of always just trying to reframe the reality in terms of "better times."
We are solidly on that path to implosion with the mentality in the current administration - you can have your cake and eat it too. We can extract sufficient resources from an increasingly smaller portion of the population and fund projects deemed appropriate by a chosen few bureaucrats as opposed to the wisdom of crowds.
This country was founded on a break from "tradition." I'm not saying it doesn't have its place. But there is a difference between respecting tradition and ignoring what is going on around you.
See above. It was founded on an almost fanatical belief that individuals should control their own destiny rather than centralized decision makers (monoarchies at the time). We are rapidly moving towards centralized control
Since the GOP right now seems much more interested in protecting the existing uppermost economic class versus broadening support of the middle class, at the moment they usually don't get my support. Some do, but they have to show a bit of vision that the base of the GOP right now seems to want to turn a blind eye towards.