Question for Romney supporters

The interest, dividends, or gains I receive from investing in a business have already been taxed, and the taxes were paid by the business I invested in.

Oh, I agree with THIS. But what you said, as I understood it, is the money (dimes) you are going to invest was going to be taxed again. I still don't think that is correct.

Hey, I'm a boomer and I derive much of my income from CG. And, NO, I don't want to see that rate go up. I just didn't agree with your statement that your investment principal is going to be taxed again.
Question is irrelevant. You can get as rich as you want as long as you a) don't do it based on lobbied for tax or other legal breaks granted you or your business or industry as political favors and b) pay your proportion of taxes just as though you made your money painting houses rather than through ownership of the painting business.

Quick mental exercise for you:

Suppose that I have a job and I make 50k a year.

You have $1million in under your mattress.

If I show up to work and do my job, I get my 50k.

You invest your money in the company I work for and get 5% return each year.

We both get 50k.

What happens if the company goes bottoms up and everyone loses everything?

I am out my 50k a year.

You are out your 50k a year.

So far so good.

However, you are also out your $1million investment.

I get a new job making 50k a year and you are still out a million.

Now do you see why investors should be afforded a lower tax rate?
Quick mental exercise for you:

Suppose that I have a job and I make 50k a year.

You have $1million in under your mattress.

If I show up to work and do my job, I get my 50k.

You invest your money in the company I work for and get 5% return each year.

We both get 50k.

What happens if the company goes bottoms up and everyone loses everything?

I am out my 50k a year.

You are out your 50k a year.

So far so good.

However, you are also out your $1million investment.

I get a new job making 50k a year and you are still out a million.

Now do you see why investors should be afforded a lower tax rate?

this is why you want to invest in collateral bonds so when companies like GM go under.......oh....wait a minute.
I'm going to vote Libertarian. I live in TN so it's not going to matter, Romney will win the state regardless.
80/20 in favor of wanting Obama out. I'm not very convinced that Romney will do much better, but I am certain that he couldnt do any worse. Its a real shame that these two are the only real candidates with a shot at winning.

I'm 43 and it seems I say this every 4 years. SMH
First off, I believe Barack Obama has not done a good job as President. If Romney is elected, this country will be no better off than if Obama is re-elected. To me, the differences are so small that it really doesn't matter which one is elected.

I will probably vote 3rd party.
I'm still waiting to hear specifics on how Obama and Romney are the same. Huffines tried in another thread but couldn't point to anything specific. Healthcare doesn't count, btw, since that has been discussed ad nauseum.
I'm still waiting to hear specifics on how Obama and Romney are the same. Huffines tried in another thread but couldn't point to anything specific. Healthcare doesn't count, btw, since that has been discussed ad nauseum.

Why can't healthcare be discussed? They both pushed and passed social medicine.

Abortion. They have both supported pro choice legislation in the past.

Both have been anti 2nd Ammendment in the past.

Neither want real tax reform. They both want to maintain the status quo because it provides the government a lot of power.

There's 4 things.
estimate, if you can, the percentage of your support for romney that is because you like him as opposed to just dislike obama.

Try to be honest, even though you know purpose of the thread is for me to point out that no one in gop seems to really like romney as much as they simply want obama out, no matter who the gop candidate is.

I'll hang up and listen (for awhile, anyway).

i want obama out i want Romney and Rubio on this ticket them together would be better in office than the bama and biden
1st off Obamacare was pushed, RomneyCare was demanded

2nd Romney isnt going to appoint incompetent people

3rd Romney isnt going to appoint someone like a Kagan to the SCOTUS

4th Obama will do something w/ gun control if he wins, Romney will not

5th Romney wants to cut taxes, Obama want to raise them
The people who live in MA, demanded RomneyCare. ObamaCare was shoved down our throats. Hence the golden quote, "We have to pass it first before we know whats in it"
The people who live in MA, demanded RomneyCare. ObamaCare was shoved down our throats. Hence the golden quote, "We have to pass it first before we know whats in it"

Nice spin VolsNSkinsFan

From 2007

Jim Talent, a Republican, who was a U.S. Senator
from Missouri, stated:

Each candidate in the 2008 Presidential race will undoubtedly offer a health care plan... But only one candidate has actually done something, waded into the issue and emerged with a successful plan that does not resort to one-size-fits-all, government run "Hillary Care." That innovative candidate is former Governor Mitt Romney...

Massachusetts was afflicted with many of the same problems that plague the health care system across the country. There was no easy way to buy affordable insurance except through an employer. Without the employer option, it just was not feasible for many people to buy health insurance. As a result, they had to resort to emergency room care and the taxpayers ended up footing the bill. People choosing their health care provider could not get critical information about the cost or quality of care, and excessive state regulations reduced choices and drove up costs.

When Governor Romney decided to tackle the double-digit annual increases in health insurance costs, the average uninsured resident in Massachusetts had to pay $335 a month for private health insurance, which did not include coverage for prescription drugs and featured a $5,000 deductible. Moreover, the state was spending over $1.3 billion a year on "free care" for the uninsured.

Governor Romney actually got the Democrat-controlled legislature to enact a plan that addressed these problems. He took the time to understand what makes private health insurance markets work and transformed the market in his state from one that was government-controlled to one that allows competition to flourish.

Governor Romney's health care plan featured a number of reforms. First, his plan deregulated the overburdened Massachusetts insurance market to reduce the cost of private insurance, while giving consumers more choice from a broader range of plans. Second, the plan addressed the problems caused by the fact that many people could not get healthcare through their employers and could not afford it on the individual market. Third, he redirected the millions of dollars that were being spent on free emergency room care and used it instead to help those who truly were not able to afford private health insurance...

But Governor Romney's reforms did not stop at reducing the cost of insurance today. He also tackled a number of reforms that will help reduce the rise in health care costs over the long-term. His plan included medical transparency provisions that allow consumers to compare the quality of hospitals and providers, while tracking and recording the costs associated with the care they provide. The reforms also instituted measures to encourage the use of electronic health records, which will reduce medical errors and lower costs.
The people who live in MA, demanded RomneyCare. ObamaCare was shoved down our throats. Hence the golden quote, "We have to pass it first before we know whats in it"

Here ia a ringing endorsemnet for Romneycare in 2007:

''Arianna Huffington, a CNN Pipeline analyst and Democratic activist, was impressed with Governor Romney's answer on health care. She thinks the Democrats may have reason to worry.

'' "This is his advantage, he can speak well on a strong Democratic issue like health care," Huffington said.

''Republican strategist Michael Murphy agreed: "It's like the Democrats running Colin Powell - a candidate who can take away the other party's strength."

''Romney, while Governor of Massachusetts, instituted one of the first statewide, comprehensive health care plans.''

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