Question for the liberals?

Are you still in college or about to start college?

  • Total voters
Worked a warehouse job and a grocery store through college. Loaded planes for 7-8 years now I'm a load planner (make sure planes are balanced, figure out takeoff speeds, flap settings, how much weight a plane can carry, and various other things)
I'm 34 married and have a 3 year old daughter
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So you're a conservative?
So you're a conservative?

Friends call me the confused democrat.
I hate welfare, i'm for the death penalty. but I think people should be able to marry whomever they want(man or woman). Also for my tax bracket ($66,000-$112,000) my taxes are usually lower under democratic presidents. For instance see the McCain Obama comparison below.
For me taxes are the biggest issue, so i vote democratic usually.
Friends call me the confused democrat.
I hate welfare, i'm for the death penalty. but I think people should be able to marry whomever they want(man or woman). Also for my tax bracket ($66,000-$112,000) my taxes are usually lower under democratic presidents. For instance see the McCain Obama comparison below.
View attachment 37404
For me taxes are the biggest issue, so i vote democratic usually.

Dang, with the exception of our tax bracket (mine is a bit lower), we are pretty similar. Glad to know there are others out there kinda like me.
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I'm 47 and have had part-time jobs through college and grad school, took a semester off of law school to work, and am a partner in a law firm employing 11 people. I've worked in restaurants, retail stores (several of them, in fact), read water meters, and on and on.

How DARE you imply that hard working people can never be liberal? You are a toad.

wait i thought you were a moderate?
wait i thought you were a moderate?

I am relative to the bulk of the country, but in this forum I am pretty liberal, relatively speaking.

To be more precise, at 16 I went to work at a 24 hour grocery store. I was stocking shelves at 4 in the morning. I have worked at 2 radio shacks, a circuit city, read water meters, done publishing involving all night sessions of the state legislature, and been a waiter. I pay quite a bit in taxes, and am willing to pay more if the federal government comes up with a long term plan that can cut the deficite, ie not just social security and npr, but also defense. If we reduced class size, I'd pay even more.
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Dang, with the exception of our tax bracket (mine is a bit lower), we are pretty similar. Glad to know there are others out there kinda like me.
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Seem to be few and far between in the south huh?
Friends call me the confused democrat.
I hate welfare, i'm for the death penalty. but I think people should be able to marry whomever they want(man or woman). Also for my tax bracket ($66,000-$112,000) my taxes are usually lower under democratic presidents. For instance see the McCain Obama comparison below.
View attachment 37404
For me taxes are the biggest issue, so i vote democratic usually.

Sounds more like you are a libertarian. We'd love to have you.
BTW, how stupid are we as a society? The word liberal inaccurately describes those we call "liberals".
BTW, how stupid are we as a society? The word liberal inaccurately describes those we call "liberals".

Not everyone inaccurately describes it. Most of the conservatives in this forum do so. Took me all of about 20 minutes of reading this forum to make that no-brainer discovery.
Not everyone inaccurately describes it. Most of the conservatives in this forum do so. Took me all of about 20 minutes of reading this forum to make that no-brainer discovery.

I don't think you get my point. If "liberals" were liberal they would support a free market economy and oppose the war on drugs, poverty, etc.
Not everyone inaccurately describes it. Most of the conservatives in this forum do so. Took me all of about 20 minutes of reading this forum to make that no-brainer discovery.

Wow, it took you 20 minutes to make a no-brainer discovery. Congratulations you have earned your liberal card. See LG for details.
Seem to be few and far between in the south huh?

Yeah, I haven't met many in any part of the country. Not left enough for one group, not right enough for the other. I try to be a pragmatist.
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I'm wrapping up my last couple of semester's for my undergrad. I've paid for about 75% of my tuition with my own money and scholarships, while the remainder was paid by my father. I've worked at least 35 hours a week throughout my time in college, and I've lived on my own for 3 years. I've worked 1-3 jobs at any given time, and freelanced a little business in my free time.

I'm socially liberally, fiscally conservative, and someone who despises the two party system. The biggest issue I have with it is the candidacy that oozes out from it.

I've no plans whatsoever to have children. I would like to marry, but not anytime soon. There's too much of a world for me to experience to do so while having to worry about another person... maybe in my 30's.

What stereotype does THAT place me in, dudes?
Wow, it took you 20 minutes to make a no-brainer discovery. Congratulations you have earned your liberal card. See LG for details.

I am not going to argue my views on social issues are liberal. I am confident, though, that my overall political ideology is much closer to the mainstream of the Republican party than your ideology
I'm wrapping up my last couple of semester's for my undergrad. I've paid for about 75% of my tuition with my own money and scholarships, while the remainder was paid by my father. I've worked at least 35 hours a week throughout my time in college, and I've lived on my own for 3 years. I've worked 1-3 jobs at any given time, and freelanced a little business in my free time.

I'm socially liberally, fiscally conservative, and someone who despises the two party system. The biggest issue I have with it is the candidacy that oozes out from it.

I've no plans whatsoever to have children. I would like to marry, but not anytime soon. There's too much of a world for me to experience to do so while having to worry about another person... maybe in my 30's.

What stereotype does THAT place me in, dudes?

I can state this with confidence: If you disagree with some of the positions the hard right wingers take in this forum, you will branded as a far left liberal, regardless of the fact you are nowhere near that ideology.

Sounds like your views are pretty closely aligned with mine.
I can state this with confidence: If you disagree with some of the positions the hard right wingers take in this forum, you will branded as a far left liberal, regardless of the fact you are nowhere near that ideology.

Sounds like your views are pretty closely aligned with mine.

Careful there, SGV. Talk like that will make you a commie fascist pariah.
That didn't answer my question. Married? Kids? Career?

What happened?

married 2yrs (set my min age at 30yo before I would do it), no kids and been with the same company for 11yrs. Pretty much turned out like I figured it would

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