
So there are no Hal Mummes or Gerry Dinardos amongst us?
Hillbilly could be Dinardo...always complaining about something!!!! and it's usually got something to do with that school to the East....

j/k HB....:)
Hillbilly could be Dinardo...always complaining about something!!!! and it's usually got something to do with that school to the East....

j/k HB....:)

heh. I do like Itallian food, although I suspect that Gerry is probably a better coach than I'd be. If I had to be a cfb, and I'm not comparing myslef to his accomplishments, I'd want to be Bobby Bowden...sit on my butt all day, collect a big paycheck for doing a little recruiting and showing up on the sidelines at games, get $$$ jobs for my kids, and be completely immune from any sort of personal responsibility for the team's performance.

BTW, I can think of several people on here who remind me of Bill Battle. Love the Vols but completely worthless when it comes to football knowledge. :peace2:
heh. I do like Itallian food, although I suspect that Gerry is probably a better coach than I'd be. If I had to be a cfb, and I'm not comparing myslef to his accomplishments, I'd want to be Bobby Bowden...sit on my butt all day, collect a big paycheck for doing a little recruiting and showing up on the sidelines at games, get $$$ jobs for my kids, and be completely immune from any sort of personal responsibility for the team's performance.

BTW, I can think of several people on here who remind me of Bill Battle. Love the Vols but completely worthless when it comes to football knowledge. :peace2:
I laughed when I saw the first suggestion for Hat to be Spurrier. That was the first thought in my head when I opened the thread. Classic, and truly fitting and accepted graciously by Hat.
If you slide over to college basketball coaches, Freak is Bruce Pearl and Hat is a deadringer for John Calipari.:dunno: And of Course LIO is Pat Summitt.:)
jakez4ut = Dave Wannstedt. The Pittsburgh thing and probably harbors deep-seeded belief that Majors was hosed by CPF but won't divulge it unless tortured or drugged.
ouch. Below the belt picking Tide coaches....especially after I set you up next to one of my favorites...
yeah but I was thinking of him as more of a Chattanooga man, isn't he A Baylor man now? Besides I think Curry is well respected! wasnt even considering the Bama thing!

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