Quincy Avery training Josh Dobbs

Vine posted -- size and footwork -- is plain wow but after reading up on Whitfield maybe we shouldn't be surprised:

I'm sure Whitfield is amazing but what Johnny Manziel does cannot be taught, it is innate. You either have IT or not and few have the" IT" factor.
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Pretty sure you can take IT classes at most any higher learning facility.

But yes, JFF is something special.
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Seems like the video was filmed with an old 8mm through some yellow plastic wrap that was in a trashcan. Besides what is promising is that he is making some serious effort during his time off to improve, and isn't out chuckin' bud ice bottles off a balcony or doing bong hits in a Pilot parking lot.

An 8mm potato lol!
will not help

Why wouldn't this help Dobbs? Are you saying he's not a legit D1 QB/talent. If so, I strongly disagree. He has a lot of improvement to make, a lot of strength to gain, a lot of work to do with his WRs. But I believe with him having been in the program for 8 months now, getting a full off season, a Spring practice, a summer and a fall camp that he'll be much improved. Most players take huge gains from their freshmen to sophomore years.... I expect Dobbs to do the same.

His going to spend time with Avery, who has been involved with The Elite 11 program for QBs and trained under Norm Chow, can indeed help Josh progress. It also shows his mindset... he's not sitting around moping and hoping... he's taking action and going above and beyond to get better. He's leading. I hope our other players are taking this kind of initiative to get better like he is.
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I mean...... if this didn't help......

Come on now Chatta... Throwing with Peyton for a couple days last summer when he'd just gotten on campus as wide-eyed freshman was supposed to help, but going to do personal, one on one work with the guys from Elite 11 won't?

My apologies if I didn't detect some sarcasm or something.
I will be disappointed if after spring we are still unable to see one of the Q Backs noticeably separate himself from the others.
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This kid gets way too much criticism IMO given that he was a true freshman. But he's a QB and it comes with the territory. He'll compete and compete well for the starting job IMO. 3 horse race.

I wouldn't be too quick to take Worley out of the picture.
Dude that Quincy Jones lol. Quincy Avery is the QB coach who appeared on College Game Day a few times. He train Jonny Football, Aaron Murray, and a lot of the other elite QB's in college fb

Sorry if already posted, but I think it is Bob Whitfield that was highlighted on ESPN. Some he has coached: Manziel, Tajh Boyd, Murray, Braxton Miller, Petty, James Franklin (Mizzou)
Whitfield Athletix | Your Dream. Our Mission.
An Interview with Quarterback Whisperer George Whitfield Jr. Discussing Braxton Miller and Player Development | Eleven Warriors

Avery, on the other hand, does not quite have Whitfield's reputation.
youthpassingleague.com | About
I do wonder who is footing the bill for this qb training. I wondered that when I saw him on College Game Day! I am reasonably certain that his services are NOT FREE!!
I do wonder who is footing the bill for this qb training. I wondered that when I saw him on College Game Day! I am reasonably certain that his services are NOT FREE!!

If you're going to be a rocket scientist, your parents probably have money.
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Dobbs' family lives just down the road from me in Alpharetta. Trust me, they have money. Maybe not Manziel money, but they aren't anything close to hurting.
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Sorry if already posted, but I think it is Bob Whitfield that was highlighted on ESPN. Some he has coached: Manziel, Tajh Boyd, Murray, Braxton Miller, Petty, James Franklin (Mizzou)
Whitfield Athletix | Your Dream. Our Mission.
An Interview with Quarterback Whisperer George Whitfield Jr. Discussing Braxton Miller and Player Development | Eleven Warriors

Avery, on the other hand, does not quite have Whitfield's reputation.
youthpassingleague.com | About

So who is Dobbs training under the Atlanta based Avery or Whitfield or both. :unsure:
Avery was Dobbs' personal QB trainer before he got to UT as well. QUOTE]

I'll bet Avery doesn't want that too highly publicized.
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I will be disappointed if after spring we are still unable to see one of the Q Backs noticeably separate himself from the others.

When the winter wind smote the naked crowned trees and bent snow crusted evergreens, groaned, moaned, and gruffly promised, “The Dobb Goblin is coming.” Ice choked rivers, lakes, and streams whispered to fishermen, strollers, and hardy joggers, “The Dobb Goblin is coming.”
Somewhere in the warmer regions, where the sun refused to fully yield domain to winter’s frosted crusted grasp, someone stirred. Nicked himself on a protruding sharp and bled orange blood. He ambled outside and spent some time refining his hooves. Doing something like this:
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I will be disappointed if after spring we are still unable to see one of the Q Backs noticeably separate himself from the others.

He stopped when an assortment dogs, tigers roosters, giant lizards, a bleeding elephant, and some people dressed in military attire paraded across the field. It’s then the Dobb Goblin started grabbing oval shaped pumpkins and hurling them at the intruders. The pumpkins exploded on impact but the Dobb Goblin just kept on throwing. In flight you heard the things whistle, the a resounding boom when they hit. Fire and smoke, smoke, fire, the Dobb Goblin was full of ire. When the carnage was over, he just stood there admiring his work.
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I will be disappointed if after spring we are still unable to see one of the Q Backs noticeably separate himself from the others.

But east of the region, winter ruled. The winter wind still wind smote the naked crowned trees and bent snow crusted evergreens, groaned, moaned, and gruffly promised, “The Dobb Goblin is coming.” The ice choked rivers, lakes, and streams whispered to fishermen, strollers, and hardy joggers, “The Dobb Goblin is coming.”
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Dobbs' family lives just down the road from me in Alpharetta. Trust me, they have money. Maybe not Manziel money, but they aren't anything close to hurting.

Yep. As I understand it, Alpharetta is basically to Atlanta what Brentwood is to Nashville. Not sure what his folks do for a living (and I hope people that do know will have the grace not to post it here), but considering he's getting his college education for free I don't think footing the bill for some offseason tutoring is too far out of reach.
Quincy Avery is a guy who works with QBs at Elite 11 and combines and camps. I looked him up. But yes George Whitfield is a guru. It would tremendously help Dobbs if he works with Whitfield. But is it confirmed that he is working with Whitfield?? I know he's been working with Avery.
Since I haven't seen anyone post it yet, here's the actual video of Josh in training. It's from his Instagram. The footwork on that first throw is big-time.


Is it just my browser or is that link fubar'd?

The video has people's comments on the left side of the video and then the bottom of the video is cut off from the rest of it.


Had to pull the direct link out of the page source to view it properly.

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