Bennie Wylie is Tennessee's strength and conditioning coach.
I knew it someone I should have known.
He doesn't look like a guy who goes in for Yoga. :good!:
Havn't been keeping up with the program, just waiting for the dust to settle.
Good news is football season is just around the corner.
Other good news, I've screamed about having a special teams coach for years under Fulmer and now it looks we may have a good one, the one Kiffin had didn't exactly light my fire.
Dooley's special teams coach, Eric Russell has been coaching special teams for eight years, among his accomplishments:
1. At North Texas his special teams blocked 14 punts, including 7 in one year.
2. At Louisiana Tech that team was the top rated in the nation in 4 different special teams categories.
3. At Texas Tech they were one of the top teams in the nations in kickoff returns and kickoff coverage.
Russell thinks a big part of special teams success is getting the right guys on special teams and since Dooley puts an emphasis on special teams, Eric should be able to get the guys he wants.
I have been giving reasons that I prefer Haslam. I think he is a true conservative and I prefer his executive experience. I think that is a proven. I like a lot of what Ramsey says and stands for, and as a legislator, that is great. But transitioning to the executive side is different, and that is where Haslam stands out to me. Ramsey may make a fine Governor, but I don't think he can win this race, and I certainly don't want Wamp.
Democrats might run a negative campiagn based on those things, but it won't work. I think this vote will be solid R.
Don't be too confident that wide spread ant-government feeings in the electorate will translate to pro-republican sentiment come November.
Ramsey started his own company as a young man and made it work, even making short term loans to meet payroll and still owns a small comapny that is profitable.
Haslam has nothing on Ramsey in that category other than the fact that his family owns a very big oil company. (And I for one question just how they gained that position in the beginning.)
Inheriting an oil company is one thing, running a farm or any small business and making a living is another, give me the farmer small businessman, Ronald Lynn Ramsey.
Ramsey touts experience as farmer, small business owner in stump speeches Knoxville News Sentinel
A fourth but lesser known candidate, Joe Kirkpatrick of Mt Juliet (suburb of Nashville) recently declared he is dropping his candidacy to support Ramsey.
An early version of the state Senate Republican budget plan this year called for cutting agriculture enhancement grants.
Ramsey said that was because urban legislators did not understand the history of the program - its origins involve money received from settling lawsuits with tobacco companies while farmers' ability to rely on tobacco as a cash crop was disappearing - and "how really important it is" to farmers.
Ramsey said he was instrumental in changing the initial grant-cutting attitude to see that funding for the program continued in the final version of the budget that was enacted.
Ramsey said he is the only candidate to have a handgun carry permit or a lifetime Sportsman's license, which is basically a permanent hunting and fishing license
Ramsey became the state's first Republican in 140 years to serve as lieutenant governor and speaker of the Senate.
He now keeps a portrait of the last Republican Senate speaker, Dewitt Senter of Grainger County, on his Nashville office wall. Senter served just one two-year term, 1866-67.
As for party activism, Ramsey contends that no other current state officeholder has done as much to advance the Republican cause in shifting the Legislature from Democratic to Republican control.
He was involved in virtually every Senate race that led to the transition, both in plotting strategy and raising money. Ramsey in 2003 was one of the first legislators to establish a personal political action committee and used it to spend $476,000 on GOP causes in 2008 alone.
I think Haslam would be more like a limosine liberal such as Frist but Ramsey will be much more down to Earth and be able to see things from the perspective of the everyday citizen of Tennessee.
Ramsey has shown the ability to reach across the aisle and get support from Democrats also.
Ramsey is going to win.