This isn't going to end well.
I didn't eat it lol
and there were these potato chips from Texas too,it was years ago and i can't remember the name of them
I think it was a white bag with red stripes and a green pepper on it
they would set you on fire,they were the first chips that ever made me sweat eating them
I think it was a Cayenne pepper on the bag
you would enjoy the heat the next morning too lol just like good hot chili,this was way before I knew what a habanero pepper was
this was probably in the mid to late 80's
about the time I moved to a hog farm and learned to can back bones n ribs and canned sausage too
first time with home made head cheese,that stuff was great, learned how to make lard,cure hams,shoulder, jowls and killer sausage,that wasn't canned
who knew all that lard is,is fat melted over a wood stove over night ?in a pot and then pour it into a container,I have no idea why it doesn't go bad either
and had fried brains,mountain oysters and fried bull balls,never no tongue though
seen coon peckers for tooth picks,but I wouldn't use one
and yes I've had open heart surgery too
it wasn't the food though lol