Hahaha!!! Did you get hit on?
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it was always empty. One day I'm sitting in my car studying when this middle age man walks up and we have the following general conversation:
Him: how you doing?
Me: good
Him: this is a nice park, isn't it?
Me: ya I like to come here and study cause its quiet.
Him: where you go to school
Me: etsu
Him: what do you like to do for fun
Me: just stuff, listen to bands, play basketball
Him: last week I saw a guy and girl having sex on that picnic table
Me: wow that's crazy
Him: ya it is. So what kind of stuff do you like to do for fun?
Me: just regular stuff.
Him: how about sexually? what do you like to do
Me: I don't know. Just realized I've got class in 10 minutes. Gotta go dude.
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