Random Thoughts VIII

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At 18 it definitely weirded me out. If it happened now, I'd probably laugh and make a joke.
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End of the world coming to a town near you. I thought about canceling my dental appointment, but, what the heck.
End of the world coming to a town near you. I thought about canceling my dental appointment, but, what the heck.

People like that make me so mad. They're trying to use scare tactics to bring people into their mega-churches. If they would read their bible it plainly says no man knows the hour of which the son of man appeareth, save God himself. (That may not be an exact word for word king james version quote, but its dang close)
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it was always empty. One day I'm sitting in my car studying when this middle age man walks up and we have the following general conversation:

Him: how you doing?
Me: good
Him: this is a nice park, isn't it?
Me: ya I like to come here and study cause its quiet.
Him: where you go to school
Me: etsu
Him: what do you like to do for fun
Me: just stuff, listen to bands, play basketball
Him: last week I saw a guy and girl having sex on that picnic table
Me: wow that's crazy
Him: ya it is. So what kind of stuff do you like to do for fun?
Me: just regular stuff.
Him: how about sexually? what do you like to do
Me: I don't know. Just realized I've got class in 10 minutes. Gotta go dude.
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Bet he was checking out your butt as you were walking *running* away
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People like that make me so mad. They're trying to use scare tactics to bring people into their mega-churches. If they would read their bible it plainly says no man knows the hour of which the son of man appeareth, save God himself. (That may not be an exact word for word king james version quote, but its dang close)
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You are pretty close on your quote.

Looked those guys up and they don't have a church. lot of them have sold everything and are traveling around the country caravan style. leader has predicted other days before and obviously hasnt been right.
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You are pretty close on your quote.

Looked those guys up and they don't have a church. lot of them have sold everything and are traveling around the country caravan style. leader has predicted other days before and obviously hasnt been right.
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Yeah, I guess they definitely believe it. A number of people have given up everything and getting ready. Oh, well. It's on a Saturday. I don't have plans for that day anyway.
Who was the beneficiary of all the goods that were sold? Do they give it to their "church"? If so that tells me a lot
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I saw something once that said there are literally millions of prophecies out there about the ending of the world, one for every day of every year. Sooner or later one will be right, but really who is gonna care, the world will be over
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I've read several different stories. I get the idea they're giving it away to friends, neighbors, strangers, etc. Family Radio, a Christian network worth more than $100 million started this in 2009. It's run by an 89 year old guy so if he's wrong, he won't have long to live out the embarrassment. Or, he'll change the date to next year or the next.
Graduation is Saturday. I'm going with my girlfriend, she's homeschooled and only a junior but I'm planning on getting her a gift just because I can. Anybody got any ideas?
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