OK... confession time
What is the worst thing a teacher did to you in school ( Yes I am still listening to Brick in the Wall).
1) 8th grade.... Music class... I disrupted the class every time, finally one day the music teacher grabbed me by the collar and pinned me to the wall two feet off the floor. THAT made an impression on me.
2) I made a lude comment in the English class... Red Skeleton had a skit about a stripper, so me, I decided to say it in class to the female English teacher... " Hit er Bubbles". Got sent home.
3) Study Hall... flirting with the girls... my History teacher called me out and made me stand in the corner arms straight out with a large book on my palms... do not drop it. He was as well my basketball coach, and history teacher, and the guy that told me I was going to Viet Nam in 4 years, and this was when I was in the 8th grade. Woke me the f up. And yes I went to hell, like he said I would.
Done .... YOUR TURN.