Random thought: It's been 10 years or so since I've had an eye exam...wife broke her glasses in September and she had to have one and get new glasses...thank goodness we finally got some vision coverage on our medical insurance a couple of years back...went ahead and made an appointment for myself when we were in there...wanted them to do the wellness check for macular degeneration and glaucoma (dad has) on me more than the RX part...got 2 RXs, one for bifocals and one not...not sure what I'm going to do...but that was early this morning...wife says I still look high from the dilation...I don't remember it lasting that long, but I'm still having trouble with lights even in the house...I guess that's normal
Edit: I don't know what I'm going to do about the new RX because there's not much change, and I still have a new backup pair of glasses never worn and 10 years old with same RX as ones I wear. The only difference when we compared my distance vision RX with bifocal RX at the end was I could see the bottom line of letters a little clearer.
Edit 2: Those progressive bifocals will set me back probably $600 for one pair. I'm thinking, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"