Random, Thoughts, X,XXIV

CNN/MSNBC are bs opinions, that article was a factual report and they don’t only report on political issues.

That "factual report" is an article from a group that has an anti-vax belief system.

And both sides have manipulated the data to fit their objectives. CNN and MSNBC are among the worse for sure.

You're skipping over a couple of really important facts:
Over what period of time was this "study"?
What was the percentage of deaths for vaccinated vs unvaccinated?

Here's why its important. The study was for 1 month last year.
The raw number of deaths for vaccinated folks was larger than the unvaccinated. But about 90% of the UK was vaccinated. You're numbers are only meaningful if there were an equal number of vaccinated vs unvaccinated. The RATE of death for unvaccinated was more than twice the RATE of the vaccinated for that month.

Vaccinated people in in England are not dying faster than unvaccinated
I aint messing with squirrel. Not because I'm afraid of him but because I'm afraid of ORB...


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