Rank SEC opponents in the order that you hate them

I realize we no longer play them on a yearly basis, but has everyone forgotten how obnoxious Auburn fans are? It is a school populated with individuals not smart enough to gain admittance in Tuscaloosa.
Also, we shouldn't go easy on Vanderbilt just because their team is horrible. Their fans are as bad as any in the conference, there just aren't that many of them.
Originally posted by LadyinOrange@Jun 23, 2005 1:48 PM
1 Florida  :yuck:
2. UGA
3. LSU
4. Auburn
5. Bama
6. Arkansas
7. SC
8. Ole Miss
9. Miss St.
10. Vandy

dang lady, that's kinda cruel. lol i noticied that your order is our toughest competition, IN order. lol
Originally posted by hatvol96@Jun 27, 2005 7:12 PM
Also, we shouldn't go easy on Vanderbilt just because their team is horrible. Their fans are as bad as any in the conference, there just aren't that many of them.

vandy is not a bad team. they just happen to have to play SEC powerhouses every week.
Originally posted by tennessee4vols@Jun 27, 2005 5:16 PM
vandy is not a bad team. they just happen to have to play SEC powerhouses every week.

No... Vandy is a bad team. I could only see them having success in the sun belt. They'd even be a so-so team in the other non-BCS conferences.
1. Alabama- Nuff said
2. Florida- see #1
3. South Carolina- not because of spurrier, but because of their cocky for no reason fans, no pun intended
4. Vandy- no respect for a team that would rather see the other instate school lose than their team win
5. Ole Miss- see #3
6. Auburn- good team last year, but no reason to proclaim urselves the best football school
7. Georgia- another greatest school complex
8. LSU- costed us a chance at a national title
9. Kentucky- good basketball team gives u no right to be cocky during football season
10. Arkansas- pretty respectful fans and usually gives us a good team
11. Miss State- no beef here, very respectful of croom

o, and im 19
Originally posted by hatvol96@Jun 27, 2005 6:56 PM
I realize we no longer play them on a yearly basis, but has everyone forgotten how obnoxious Auburn fans are? It is a school populated with individuals not smart enough to gain admittance in Tuscaloosa.

Quite the contrary. AU has such a demand for admissions, it has been enrolling the cream of the crop for the last 6 years or so. The castaways are at bammer. Based on a daily personal experience as an unwitting citizen of bammer, the Aubies have much more class than the bammers.

Originally posted by BHAMVOLFAN@Jun 27, 2005 9:57 PM
Quite the contrary.  AU has such a demand for admissions, it has been enrolling the cream of the crop for the last 6 years or so.  The castaways are at bammer.  Based on a daily personal experience as an unwitting citizen of bammer, the Aubies have much more class than the bammers.

I'll second that!
Originally posted by volinbham@Jun 27, 2005 10:34 PM
I'll second that!

Third! (and my only experience is with a few road trips and a couple of ex-friends)
Originally posted by milohimself@Jun 27, 2005 7:25 PM
No... Vandy is a bad team. I could only see them having success in the sun belt. They'd even be a so-so team in the other non-BCS conferences.

Vandy is pathetic. They don't even attempt to put a competitive team on the field.
1) Bammer
2) Vandy
3) Florida
The rest after that depends on how a win or loss by a particular team will effect the Vols in the standings.

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