Rank the US Presidents



Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2019
A post in the thread below got me thinking about how our political views are SO different amongst each other, I would like to see you rank the Presidents into categories based on your opinions..

Some Factors to consider:
Foreign stances/Wars/Treaties/Impact
Domestic Programs
Abiding by US Constitutional/Law
Inspirational Leadership
Morals/Intellect/Qualities of a GOOD Person/Personal Life
Love of American values
Ability to work with others to get things done
Overall Impact on American History

These do NOT have to be numerically ranked, just put into categories. You can make statements as to why if you choose.
Here are mine just at first glance

George Washington
John Adams
Thomas Jefferson
James Madison
Theodore Roosevelt
Ronald Reagan

Good/Above Average
James Monroe
James Polk
Abraham Lincoln
Dwight Eisenhower
John Q Adams
Andrew Jackson
William McKinley
William Taft
Woodrow Wilson
Calvin Coolidge
Harry Truman
Richard Nixon

Martin Van Buren
John Tyler
Millard Fillmore
Franklin Pierce
Rutherford B. Hayes
James Garfield
Chester Arthur
Grover Cleveland
George HW Bush
Bill Clinton
George W. Bush
Barack Obama
Donald Trump
Lyndon Johnson

Below Average/Other
William Henry Harrison
Benjamin Harrison
Zachary Taylor
James Buchanan
Andrew Johnson
Ulysses Grant
Herbert Hoover
Gerald Ford
Jimmy Carter
Warren Harding
Joe Biden (TBD)
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A post in the thread below got me thinking about how our political views are SO different amongst each other, I would like to see you rank the Presidents into categories based on your opinions..

Some Factors to consider:
Foreign stances/Wars/Treaties/Impact
Domestic Programs
Abiding by US Constitutional/Law
Inspirational Leadership
Morals/Intellect/Qualities of a GOOD Person/Personal Life
Love of American values
Ability to work with others to get things done
Overall Impact on American History

These do NOT have to be numerically ranked, just put into categories. You can make statements as to why if you choose.
Here are mine just at first glance


George Washington
John Adams
Thomas Jefferson
James Madison
Theodore Roosevelt
Ronald Reagan

Good/Above Average
James Monroe
James Polk
Abraham Lincoln
Dwight Eisenhower
John Q Adams
Andrew Jackson
William McKinley
William Taft
Woodrow Wilson
Calvin Coolidge
Harry Truman
Richard Nixon

Martin Van Buren
John Tyler
Millard Fillmore
Franklin Pierce
Rutherford B. Hayes
James Garfield
Chester Arthur
Grover Cleveland
George HW Bush
Bill Clinton
George W. Bush
Barack Obama
Donald Trump
Lyndon Johnson

Below Average/Other
William Henry Harrison
Benjamin Harrison
Zachary Taylor
James Buchanan
Andrew Johnson
Ulysses Grant
Herbert Hoover
Gerald Ford
Jimmy Carter
Joe Biden (TBD)
Not a bid list. Only about three I disagree with.
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I’ll use letter grades, now obviously some are hard to grade just because of the times that they served.

George Washington
John Adams
Thomas Jefferson
James Madison
Calvin Coolidge

Ronald Reagan
Andrew Jackson
Harry Truman
John Tyler
HW Bush

John Q Adams
William McKinley
Howard Taft
Rutherford B Hayes
Chester A Arthur
Bill Clinton
Grover Cleveland
Gerald Ford
James Monroe

Abraham Lincoln
Richard Nixon
Martin Van Buren
Millard Fillmore
Franklin Pierce
James Garfield
George W Bush
Barack Obama
Donald Trump
Benjamin Harrison
Zachary Taylor
James Buchanan
Ulysses Grant

Woodrow Wilson
Andrew Johnson
Herbert Hoover
Jimmy Carter
I’ll use letter grades, now obviously some are hard to grade just because of the times that they served.

George Washington
John Adams
Thomas Jefferson
James Madison
Calvin Coolidge

Ronald Reagan
Andrew Jackson
Harry Truman
John Tyler
HW Bush

John Q Adams
William McKinley
Howard Taft
Rutherford B Hayes
Chester A Arthur
Bill Clinton
Grover Cleveland
Gerald Ford
James Monroe

Abraham Lincoln
Richard Nixon
Martin Van Buren
Millard Fillmore
Franklin Pierce
James Garfield
George W Bush
Barack Obama
Donald Trump
Benjamin Harrison
Zachary Taylor
James Buchanan
Ulysses Grant

Woodrow Wilson
Andrew Johnson
Herbert Hoover
Jimmy Carter
Agree with you on Woodrow. Joining WW1 was dumb and contributed to the rise of Hitler 20 years later. Obama and Bush Junior are crap in my opinion and both need to be in the bottom tier. I think Trump probably deserves B tier or upper C. I’m not a Fan of Bill Clinton either. The monetary and fiscal policy during his terms really set the table for future disaster. I guess you could make a similar criticism of Trump though, oh well it’s a fun topic. Good thread Ricky
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-Lincoln the best. Although @volfanhill makes a good point about Harrison.
-The reality TV star was the worst no doubt. Nixon was previously the worst but got a nice bump up a notch after 2016-2020.

Average? I'd put the benchmark at both Bushes, Obama, Fillmore/Polk/Eisenhower. All average and could be slotted in any order near one another
Guess I should make my own list but I really feel that many of our current day problems can in some way be traced back to FDR. I think he’s remembered better than he deserves due to being a wartime president. Sort of like Wilson.
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-Lincoln the best. Although @volfanhill makes a good point about Harrison.
-The reality TV star was the worst no doubt. Nixon was previously the worst but got a nice bump up a notch after 2016-2020.

Average? I'd put the benchmark at both Bushes, Obama, Fillmore/Polk/Eisenhower. All average and could be slotted in any order near one another
Look up Woodrow, Hoover or FDR and you’ll probably reconsider who’s the worst
Some Factors to consider:
Foreign stances/Wars/Treaties/Impact
Domestic Programs
Abiding by US Constitutional/Law
Inspirational Leadership
Morals/Intellect/Qualities of a GOOD Person/Personal Life
Love of American values
Ability to work with others to get things done
Overall Impact on American History
... and which one of these categories are Trump and George W. Bush merely average, instead of downright terrible?
I have. Hoover is the worst of the group, no doubt. But none of them sucked nearly as badly as Trump, not even close
The worst five presidents in U.S. history are James Buchanan, Warren G. Harding, Herbert Hoover, George W. Bush and Donald Trump.

When I was in junior high, I was assigned to do a report on Warren G. Harding. His administration was so corrupt, that the majority of my work was deciding which scandals could be left out... there were too many of them to cover them all in a 7th grade research paper. Albert Fall, Harding's Secretary of the Interior, has to be the most corrupt cabinet member in U.S. history. He was Scott Pruitt on steroids.
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A post in the thread below got me thinking about how our political views are SO different amongst each other, I would like to see you rank the Presidents into categories based on your opinions..

Some Factors to consider:
Foreign stances/Wars/Treaties/Impact
Domestic Programs
Abiding by US Constitutional/Law
Inspirational Leadership
Morals/Intellect/Qualities of a GOOD Person/Personal Life
Love of American values
Ability to work with others to get things done
Overall Impact on American History

These do NOT have to be numerically ranked, just put into categories. You can make statements as to why if you choose.
Here are mine just at first glance

George Washington
John Adams
Thomas Jefferson
James Madison
Theodore Roosevelt
Ronald Reagan

Good/Above Average
James Monroe
James Polk
Abraham Lincoln
Dwight Eisenhower
John Q Adams
Andrew Jackson
William McKinley
William Taft
Woodrow Wilson
Calvin Coolidge
Harry Truman
Richard Nixon

Martin Van Buren
John Tyler
Millard Fillmore
Franklin Pierce
Rutherford B. Hayes
James Garfield
Chester Arthur
Grover Cleveland
George HW Bush
Bill Clinton
George W. Bush
Barack Obama
Donald Trump
Lyndon Johnson

Below Average/Other
William Henry Harrison
Benjamin Harrison
Zachary Taylor
James Buchanan
Andrew Johnson
Ulysses Grant
Herbert Hoover
Gerald Ford
Jimmy Carter
Joe Biden (TBD)

Andrew Jackson should be in the great presidents category.
I think if you've been impeached you automatically go straight to the very bottom. (Buchanan, Clinton, trump)

Nixon would've been impeached if he didn't quit so I consider him among that group of incompetent bums.

Impeached twice? Forget about it! It is truly hard to be that terrible at your job
I think if you've been impeached you automatically go straight to the very bottom. (Buchanan, Clinton, trump)

Nixon would've been impeached if he didn't quit so I consider him among that group of incompetent bums.

Impeached twice? Forget about it! It is truly hard to be that terrible at your job

I must have forgot to read my newspaper the day Buchanan got impeached.
I think if you've been impeached you automatically go straight to the very bottom. (Buchanan, Clinton, trump)

Nixon would've been impeached if he didn't quit so I consider him among that group of incompetent bums.

Impeached twice? Forget about it! It is truly hard to be that terrible at your job
It was Andrew Johnson who was impeached, not Buchanan... but they were both very bad presidents. So was U.S. Grant. In between Lincoln and McKinley there isn't much of anything good to talk about. Garfield might have become a good president, though. A crazy guy shot him early in his tenure and the surgery to remove the bullet was a debacle.
It was Andrew Johnson who was impeached, not Buchanan... but they were both very bad presidents. So was U.S. Grant. In between Lincoln and McKinley there isn't much of anything good to talk about. Garfield might have become a good president, though. A crazy guy shot him early in his tenure and the surgery to remove the bullet was a debacle.

My bad. You're right. I had the wrong old dead white guy 😆

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