Rashida Tlaib’s THOBE, and Ilhan Omar’s HIJAB, are making congressional history

We did. Just 12 years later.

Should have split it up as well and told the rest of the Middle East to **** off. A Sunni State, a Shi'a State and Kurdistan. One of the few things I agree with Joe Biden on.
That is a huge issue I have with how we left it. Saddam was an ******* and needed to go. But he kept the place under control. We botched the after action and just left a power vacuum.

And I wasn’t aware Biden favored that. I do agree that would have been a better solution than how we left it.
That is a huge issue I have with how we left it. Saddam was an ******* and needed to go. But he kept the place under control. We botched the after action and just left a power vacuum.

As I've said before, we won the war convincingly. Winning the peace eluded us since we forgot how to do such a thing after WWII.
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Omar at ‘Hands Off Ilhan’ Rally: Trump, GOP Created ‘Monsters’ ‘Terrorizing’ Jews and Muslims

Black Lives Matter and other anti-Trump groups held a rally on the grounds of the Capitol on Tuesday to call for President Donald Trump to be censured for what he said about Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN) controversial statement that “somebody did something” on 9-11.


People chanted ‘“Hands off Ilhan” and in a series of speeches blamed the president and Republicans for the rise of “white supremacy masked as white nationalism.”

Omar spoke at the event in praise of her homeland of Somalia and said the president and his Party are responsible for recent attacks on
and mosques.

“At this moment, the occupant of the White House and his allies are doing everything that they can to distance themselves and misinform the public from the monsters that they created that is [sic] terrorizing the Jewish community and the Muslim community,” Omar said.

Omar said she is criticized because she is a Muslim woman.

“I also happen to be a refugee and immigrant from what they call one of the shithole countries,” Omar said, mocking the president for his alleged comments about war-torn countries like Somalia that drive their people out.

“The reality is that shithole country raised a very proud, dignified person,” Omar said. “Our circumstances may not always be perfect but that doesn’t lessen our humanity and I am not in the business of defending mine.”

Omar was not as complimentary of the United States.

“This is not going to be the country of the xenophobics,” Omar said. “This is not going to be the country of white people.”

Omar: Trump, GOP Created ‘Monsters’ ‘Terrorizing' Jews, Muslims
Omar at ‘Hands Off Ilhan’ Rally: Trump, GOP Created ‘Monsters’ ‘Terrorizing’ Jews and Muslims

Black Lives Matter and other anti-Trump groups held a rally on the grounds of the Capitol on Tuesday to call for President Donald Trump to be censured for what he said about Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN) controversial statement that “somebody did something” on 9-11.


People chanted ‘“Hands off Ilhan” and in a series of speeches blamed the president and Republicans for the rise of “white supremacy masked as white nationalism.”

Omar spoke at the event in praise of her homeland of Somalia and said the president and his Party are responsible for recent attacks on
and mosques.

“At this moment, the occupant of the White House and his allies are doing everything that they can to distance themselves and misinform the public from the monsters that they created that is [sic] terrorizing the Jewish community and the Muslim community,” Omar said.

Omar said she is criticized because she is a Muslim woman.

“I also happen to be a refugee and immigrant from what they call one of the shithole countries,” Omar said, mocking the president for his alleged comments about war-torn countries like Somalia that drive their people out.

“The reality is that shithole country raised a very proud, dignified person,” Omar said. “Our circumstances may not always be perfect but that doesn’t lessen our humanity and I am not in the business of defending mine.”

Omar was not as complimentary of the United States.

“This is not going to be the country of the xenophobics,” Omar said. “This is not going to be the country of white people.”

Omar: Trump, GOP Created ‘Monsters’ ‘Terrorizing' Jews, Muslims

Just another anti-American rally.
Sheesh, will Omar ever stop with her rampant anti-Semitism? Always bashing Israel. Amirite?

That's what I mean to a point. We finished what we should have gotten done in 91.
No, we allowed the Saudis to chart our path in 1991. They wanted Hussein as a buffer against Iran.

We should have told them to **** off, it's all or nothing.

Alright let me preface this by saying I was 8 during Desert Storm in ‘91. So if my history is a bit off I am certainly not above anyone righting of my remembrance of how it played it out. It was one of those moments in your life when you never forget where you were the night we started bombing Baghdad. I don’t think anyone had seen any like that on TV before.

Anyways here’s my 2 cents (short version)... Our goal was to liberate Kuwait, not regime change (I know, hindsight).They were a soundly beaten Army who was outclassed, outmaneuvered and who was exhausted after nearly a decade of fighting with Iran, giving up by the thousands.

Forcing them to retreat out of Kuwait and trying to get back past allied lines on a 6 line highway created the biggest bottleneck, shooting gallery in the history of traffic jams. We absolutely slaughtered 10s of thousands of them on the “Highway of Death” and then the Press started to say enough is enough and too much to stomach because of the Absolute demolition that was taking place .

We knew they had chemical weapons then, they had used them multiple times against the Kurds and the Iranians. I think Bush and the Joint Chiefs knew they had completed the initial objective and wanted to take the overwhelming victory because we were still moving past Vietnam. Nobody knew what Saddam would do if we were to attempt to take Baghdad. He was burning the oil wells as they exited creating an environmental disaster. What’s next?Fire off a barrage of SCUDS at Israel, but this time full of chemical and biological agents possibly bringing them into it and destroy the coalition? Start a chemical war and kill thousands of American and coalition troops? Bush couldn’t take that risk after doing what he already said he was going to do. Should we have have gone knowing that we could’ve done it without the vacuum created in ‘03? Probably. At the time most would’ve been against it .

We agreed to a $hitty cease fire, no fly zone deal which allowed Saddam to mass murder any involved in the uprising we were funding and stay in power.

Then there was 9/11... then ‘03 which was completely ****ed from the get go.

Sorry about the long post
Rep. Ilhan Omar says US 'kind of helped lead the devastation' in Venezuela

Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn, suggested Wednesday the United States could be partly to blame for the ongoing turmoil in Venezuela, saying the policies of the Trump administration had "kind of helped lead the devastation."

"A lot of the policies that we have put in place has kind of helped lead the devastation in Venezuela and we have sort of set the stage for where we are arriving today," Omar said. "This particular bullying and the use of sanctions to eventually intervene and make regime change really does not help the people of countries like Venezuela and it certainly does not help and is not in the interest of the United States."

Rep. Ilhan Omar says US 'kind of helped lead the devastation' in Venezuela
Rep. Ilhan Omar says US 'kind of helped lead the devastation' in Venezuela

Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn, suggested Wednesday the United States could be partly to blame for the ongoing turmoil in Venezuela, saying the policies of the Trump administration had "kind of helped lead the devastation."

"A lot of the policies that we have put in place has kind of helped lead the devastation in Venezuela and we have sort of set the stage for where we are arriving today," Omar said. "This particular bullying and the use of sanctions to eventually intervene and make regime change really does not help the people of countries like Venezuela and it certainly does not help and is not in the interest of the United States."

Rep. Ilhan Omar says US 'kind of helped lead the devastation' in Venezuela

Nothing to see here. Totally taken out of context. Again...Then the next week again....
Rep. Ilhan Omar says US 'kind of helped lead the devastation' in Venezuela

Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn, suggested Wednesday the United States could be partly to blame for the ongoing turmoil in Venezuela, saying the policies of the Trump administration had "kind of helped lead the devastation."

"A lot of the policies that we have put in place has kind of helped lead the devastation in Venezuela and we have sort of set the stage for where we are arriving today," Omar said. "This particular bullying and the use of sanctions to eventually intervene and make regime change really does not help the people of countries like Venezuela and it certainly does not help and is not in the interest of the United States."

Rep. Ilhan Omar says US 'kind of helped lead the devastation' in Venezuela

Omar is a radical and has found sanctuary is a country that allows her to espouse her radical views and she is able to label it evil at that same time. She will not stop. She is supported by the ideology of leftists, many of whom are very naive when overwhelming evidence of real motives to change America at its fundamental core are obvious and bring it down to size with the rest of the world.

Like many leftists they use the rights of democracy for their twisted agendas and hide behind the cloak of racism at every turn to shut down conversation. Even terrorists recognize this about America. They are collecting the numbers to eventually overtake democracy and run the country into the ground where it starts to look like a police state monitored by SJW that will cap success of the entrepreneurial spirit.
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Rashida Tlaib slams New York Times for 'dehumanizing our Palestinian people who just want to be free'

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., accused the New York Times of "dehumanizing" Palestinians after the Times released a story with a headline recounting the most recent exchange of attacks between Israel and Palestinians.

"When will the world stop dehumanizing our Palestinian people who just want to be free?" Tlaib tweeted. "Headlines like this & framing it in this way just feeds into the continued lack of responsibility on Israel who unjustly oppress & target Palestinian children and families. #FreePalestine."

Rashida Tlaib slams New York Times for 'dehumanizing our Palestinian people who just want to be free'

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