Read and React Request for those still Believing Russiagate

You guys think this joke report proves anything. Durham couldn't prove anything. No credibility. Everyone except Fox and OAN are laughing at this.

You are acting like Durham saying it makes it true. Why didn't you give Mueller the same deference? Oh wait, it's because you didn't like what he said. The biggest difference with Mueller is that he convicted people, Durham lost both his trials.
Why is it a joke? My understanding is they provide actual documents to back up their findings. Which is more than was provided to start the lies.

Mueller convicted people of process crimes. Lying to the investigation. No prosecutions tied to Trump.
Why is it a joke? My understanding is they provide actual documents to back up their findings. Which is more than was provided to start the lies.

Mueller convicted people of process crimes. Lying to the investigation. No prosecutions tied to Trump.

He's a troll, he's admitted he just drops in to stir crap.
You guys think this joke report proves anything. Durham couldn't prove anything. No credibility. Everyone except Fox and OAN are laughing at this.

You are acting like Durham saying it makes it true. Why didn't you give Mueller the same deference? Oh wait, it's because you didn't like what he said. The biggest difference with Mueller is that he convicted people, Durham lost both his trials.
Have you read the report?
You guys think this joke report proves anything. Durham couldn't prove anything. No credibility. Everyone except Fox and OAN are laughing at this.

You are acting like Durham saying it makes it true. Why didn't you give Mueller the same deference? Oh wait, it's because you didn't like what he said. The biggest difference with Mueller is that he convicted people, Durham lost both his trials.
I didn’t realize that Jake Tapper worked for FOX or OAN.
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I'm not sure why you're struggling with this one. The report is the report. You are not more knowledgeable than Durham on this.

But the report doesn't prove anything, it's just a bunch of additional unproven assertions. There are even Repubs out there calling it a nothing burger. More importantly, you know what he didn't say, that the FBI did anything illegal in investigating the alleged contacts.

The DOJ Inspector General (Horowitz) who investigated this said it was not improper to use the procedure the FBI followed. The dispute Durham has with that is he believed the initial response to the Ambassador's report should have been a preliminary investigation instead of the full investigation the FBI did.

Durham actually contacted Horowitz and requested he not say the full investigation was merited. Horowitz refused. Since then Durham has admitted that the full investigation was procedurally acceptable and not illegal.

If anything illegal had been done, Durham might have won his two cases.
Have you read the report?

Actually, yes. I admit I skimmed quickly through the "standards" stuff but read the fact finding and conclusions. I love the paragraph in Section II of the Executive Summary where he praises all the prior investigations and admits he didn't investigate such matters as the actual Russian influence activities.
Politically motivated

Unverified information

Presidential candidate working with the FBI
He's a troll, he's admitted he just drops in to stir crap.

More than a troll Hog. A troll just wants to piss you off. I love to piss everyone off by asserting the facts.

You on the other hand have the consistency of hating everyone. But you do stick with it and don't make exceptions for one side over the other.
More than a troll Hog. A troll just wants to piss you off. I love to piss everyone off by asserting the facts.

You on the other hand have the consistency of hating everyone. But you do stick with it and don't make exceptions for one side over the other.

They created a conspiracy from a fake tape resulting in wire tapping, the Mueller investigation , and ****ing lied to the FISA court.
Asserting facts my ass,,
But the report doesn't prove anything, it's just a bunch of additional unproven assertions. There are even Repubs out there calling it a nothing burger. More importantly, you know what he didn't say, that the FBI did anything illegal in investigating the alleged contacts.

The DOJ Inspector General (Horowitz) who investigated this said it was not improper to use the procedure the FBI followed. The dispute Durham has with that is he believed the initial response to the Ambassador's report should have been a preliminary investigation instead of the full investigation the FBI did.

Durham actually contacted Horowitz and requested he not say the full investigation was merited. Horowitz refused. Since then Durham has admitted that the full investigation was procedurally acceptable and not illegal.

If anything illegal had been done, Durham might have won his two cases.
I may be confused, but is legality the only standard? I mean I don't think I have seen any law that says using the FBI as a political tool is a crime. Maybe I am wrong, but I didn't think it exists. Its just incredibly frowned upon, or at least should be. So you aren't really making much of a distinction here.

I mean look at LG and him still going after Trump. He wants Trump banned even while admitting there is nothing illegal in Trump's perceived biases.

it seems like that political bias when it comes to official government actions is either a problem, or it isn't. This report points out several biases that always went one way. With Trump the people get to decide if its acceptable so there is some form of check, I mean politics are all based on biases. But the government agencies are supposed to be neutral, not tied to a party. so yes, even though nothing illegal was done, it still shows the government agency working directly with a political party to achieve political goals.
There were numerous ties between Trump and the Trump campaign and Russia during the '16 campaign and during the Trump
presidency. This is why trump was a treasonous president.

1) Trump has long had a boner for Putin. FACT.

2) Trump's campaign chief, Manafort, worked for a Russian oligarch and for a former pro-Russian Ukrainian president--and he shared
'16 campaign information with a Russian operative. Manafort was later convicted of multiple felony crimes and went to prison. FACT.

3) Trump campaign officials--including Manafort and Trump Jr. --met with a female Russian operative at Trump Tower during the campaign
and then tried to cover up the meeting. FACT.

4) Trump, at a campaign appearance, asked Russia to hack Hillary Clinton's emais. FACT.

5) Trump repeatedly refused to acknowledge that Russia interfered in the '16 election despite U.S. intelligence agencies repeatedly telling him
that that there had been significant Russian interference. That is an established fact. He notoriously stood up at a summit press conference with Putin and asserted that he believed Putin's denial of interference---a massive U.S. embarrassment and an essentially treasonous comment. FACT.

6) Trump vigorously tried to set up a major property deal in Moscow right up until election day. Trump claimed that he'd stopped
the effort months before--but that was a lie. Trump's former lawyer, Cohen, who was the gangster's point man on the project, released a series
of emails showing that the gangster harangued him for weeks/months to get the deal done, almost up until election day. FACT.

7) Wealthy Russian mobsters helped bail out Trump's property business by buying Trump condos in various locations. Trump Jr. is on tape
a few years back acknowledging that Russians had bought many Trump properties. FACT. Indeed, this week the FBI raided two Trump condos owned by Russians in Florida. The two Russians were later arrested in Phoenix for selling airplane parts to Russian airlines in violation of American sanctions on Russia.

8) From Slate: "The Washington Post’s Greg Miller reported Sunday that President Donald Trump’s confiscation of the translator’s notes from a one-on-one conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2017 was “unusual.” This is incorrect. It was unprecedented. There is nothing like it in the annals of presidential history. It is also truly unusual that Trump failed to bring in a note taker, along with his translator, during his meetings with Putin, as almost every other president has done when meeting with foreign heads of state since the end of World War II. Usually the note taker is an official or aide with deep background in the subject under discussion." FACT. Why no note-taker or no notes?

9) Trump campaign officials--no doubt at the gangster's urging--stripped language from the GOP election platform in '16 pledging U.S. military aid to Ukraine. FACT.

10) Trump, over the last two years, has on multiple occasions praised Putin for being "smart" and "savvy." Putin, let's remind everyone, is America's chief adversary and a war criminal. FACT.

11) As president, Trump once floated the possibility of the U.S. leaving NATO. That was essentially a treasonous thought as breaking up NATO has long been a massive Putin foreign-policy goal/wet dream. There is only one person who would have put that idea in the gangster's head, and he's in Moscow. FACT.

12) Right after the gangster's inauguration, Jared Kushner spoke to the Russian ambassador to the United States about setting up a secret communications back channel between the ambassador and the White House. Fortunately, U.S. intelligence captured the conversation, and the attempt was made public. FACT

This is why there was an investigation of possible Trump/Russia collusion. There was every reason to do so. There might not have been official campaign collusion with Russia, but the gangster has had his nose in Putin's anus for years. That's a big, fat Cracker Barrel FACT for MAGA to chew on.

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