Read and React Request for those still Believing Russiagate

I get what you are saying with some of your examples, but the birther nonsense should not be included. It is pretty obvious what motivated that narrative.
And Bama is totally paying their players. Many good people have said so. Bigly smart folks.
See? As someone who has been duped many times by the BS coming out of DC, I can personally attest that anonymous sources, smoke, and chatter mean nothing in the grand scheme. I bought into the birther stuff. Still find it suspicious. Not criminal, mind you. Just odd. You discount that story out of hand. Dismissed it based on the political angle. Good on you for it.
I have no skin in the game where Trump collusion is concerned. It doesn't effect me if you want to invest in it fully. Lord knows Ive done my share. I just advise you to take a step back and treat it all with a grain of salt. If he is guilty and needs to be tossed, he will be. It will all come out in the end. Regardless of outcome, ironically, the speculation will remain precisely as it has with birtherism.
See? As someone who has been duped many times by the BS coming out of DC, I can personally attest that anonymous sources, smoke, and chatter mean nothing in the grand scheme. I bought into the birther stuff. Still find it suspicious. Not criminal, mind you. Just odd. You discount that story out of hand. Dismissed it based on the political angle. Good on you for it.
I have no skin in the game where Trump collusion is concerned. It doesn't effect me if you want to invest in it fully. Lord knows Ive done my share. I just advise you to take a step back and treat it all with a grain of salt. If he is guilty and needs to be tossed, he will be. It will all come out in the end. Regardless of outcome, ironically, the speculation will remain precisely as it has with birtherism.
Good post. If the full report is released and completely clears Trump, there will be many (like birthers) that will never believe it.

I'm not invested in collushion. I hope Trump is fully cleared, I don't want a compromised President. But I don't trust this administration, and that includes Barr. Just release the report and be done with it.
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Good post. If the full report is released and completely clears Trump, there will be many (like birthers) that will never believe it.

I'm not invested in collushion. I hope Trump is fully cleared, I don't want a compromised President. But I don't trust this administration, and that includes Barr. Just release the report and be done with it.
I really enjoy discussing things with you. I doubt we agree on much politically but you actually discuss things rather than simply tossing out soundbites. Appreciate you, zep.
Louder's gonna be jelly.
I really enjoy discussing things with you. I doubt we agree on much politically but you actually discuss things rather than simply tossing out soundbites. Appreciate you, zep.
Thanks. I know I get a bit triggered sometimes by Trump and the far righties. But I try to be fair and honest to my beliefs.

I still think most of us on the board agree more often than disagree. It is just a few things that highlight our differences.
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I don't understand you guys' disdain for anonymous sources. They are vital as whistle-blowers against corruption, discrimination, and general shady behavior. They help spur reform and social justice. They are vital to any democracy/republic.
They have been made up almost the entire time during Trumps presidency. The amount of backtracking and egg on the face that CNN has been through alone has been eye opening. I remember Brennan speaking during the whole Comey thing about his notes. He had an "Anonymous source" who "knew someone" who was in a meeting with Trump and Comey. He couldn't say what the meeting was for or when it happened but he believed his source and the "information" his associate gave him. Right..
Well, the reaction Of Mueller's staff to Barr's memo is a major clue, Sherlock.
You mean the reaction of people not on the staff but who "know" people on the staff...which is what the media outlets are reporting. Yep. Thats solid journalism! Is there a chance some are upset not more has been shown? Sure! They'd love to have things make Trump look bad be aired out. Is it going to do anything? NOPE. Repeat after me purple slushy : "No new indictments. No sealed indictments".
They have been made up almost the entire time during Trumps presidency. The amount of backtracking and egg on the face that CNN has been through alone has been eye opening. I remember Brennan speaking during the whole Comey thing about his notes. He had an "Anonymous source" who "knew someone" who was in a meeting with Trump and Comey. He couldn't say what the meeting was for or when it happened but he believed his source and the "information" his associate gave him. Right..
Regardless of the Russia gate stuff, there seems to be a common thought that anonymous sources are a bad thing. When an anonymous source says something bad about Obama or Democrats, will you ignore it the same as you do Red Hat stuff?
Regardless of the Russia gate stuff, there seems to be a common thought that anonymous sources are a bad thing. When an anonymous source says something bad about Obama or Democrats, will you ignore it the same as you do Red Hat stuff?

Anonymous sources are complete BS regardless of who they are reporting on.
To believe in them you have to put your faith in the reporters who use them. It’s clear at this point there is no impartial press. So in my mind if a person won’t stand up a make a statement then their opinion is beyond worthless and should not be reported

No, not all GJ testimony has been released to congress in a SC investigation. That is false. Plus you ignore the fact that the law governing SC investigations was changed in 1998.
I don't understand you guys' disdain for anonymous sources. They are vital as whistle-blowers against corruption, discrimination, and general shady behavior. They help spur reform and social justice. They are vital to any democracy/republic.

Over the last few years anonymous sourced reports have been abused. The authors are not reporting they are pushing an agenda.
Anonymous sources are complete BS regardless of who they are reporting on.
To believe in them you have to put your faith in the reporters who use them. It’s clear at this point there is no impartial press. So in my mind if a person won’t stand up a make a statement then their opinion is beyond worthless and should not be reported
I get what you are saying, but I don't think we should throw whistle-blowers out off hand. I also hope you and the rest of your cronies will never accept anything from any anonymous source. Be best.
I get what you are saying, but I don't think we should throw whistle-blowers out off hand. I also hope you and the rest of your cronies will never accept anything from any anonymous source. Be best.
I may be alone in this but whistle blowers =/= anonymous sources.
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Do you not think whistle blowers are anonymous? What is the point of them blowing the whistle if they can be identified and attacked?
Not all are. No. And many (most?) come forward once their whistle blowing has been proven correct.
The medias use of AS is not always (rarely?) a WB.
Not all are. No. And many (most?) come forward once their whistle blowing has been proven correct.
The medias use of AS is not always (rarely?) a WB.
So we should dismiss everything coming from the Trump administration? Seems like you are rubber stamping your bois.
So we should dismiss everything coming from the Trump administration? Seems like you are rubber stamping your bois.

Reading back it seems as if you put more faith in annoymous sources than I do , it’s not my job to collect the sources , verify that they are real or just DC lip service trying to start a rumor or keep one going . That is supposed to be the media’s job as reporters. Since we both know that we can’t trust the MSM now because of bias , how can you then trust the anonymous source they use ?
Reading back it seems as if you put more faith in annoymous sources than I do , it’s not my job to collect the sources , verify that they are real or just DC lip service trying to start a rumor or keep one going . That is supposed to be the media’s job as reporters. Since we both know that we can’t trust the MSM now because of bias , how can you then trust the anonymous source they use ?
I trust NPR and the BBC. You can as well, they are cool dudes. I don't trust that cesspool Fox News or Breitbart. They like alternative facts.
I get what you are saying, but I don't think we should throw whistle-blowers out off hand. I also hope you and the rest of your cronies will never accept anything from any anonymous source. Be best.

There is a difference between a whistleblower/anonymous source with verifiable documentation and one just spreading rumors. So far the vast majority of the reports citing anonymous sources have been the latter.
So we should dismiss everything coming from the Trump administration? Seems like you are rubber stamping your bois.
Well to be accurate they arent my bois. I didn't vote for him/them.
We shouldnt dismiss anything because of where it came. We should dismiss based on its own lack of merit.
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I get what you are saying, but I don't think we should throw whistle-blowers out off hand. I also hope you and the rest of your cronies will never accept anything from any anonymous source. Be best.
You’re my cronies. I’m a registered Democrat.
I’m just 20 years ahead of you.
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