
Lol. Ok. You believe the team with more votes is always favored?

Well, to those of us who can count, they are currently ranked above us. I suspect if our rankings were reversed you would have no problem arguing that we are ranked ahead of them.
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If you beat a higher ranked team it is an upset. Vandy is currently ranked higher than us, so...

I agree... but with the added caveat that home field advantage is also a factor.

My guess is we will be favored, so it shouldn't be an upset.
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Well, to those of us who can count, they are currently ranked above us. I suspect if our rankings were reversed you would have no problem arguing that we are ranked ahead of them.

Oh no. This is about your brilliant theory that if you beat a higher ranked team it is an upset.

So you believe the higher ranked team is always favored? Especially in these matchups of teams in the "receiving votes" category. Don't back track.
Have we entered some kind of alternate reality? We're way down, but the T is still on the helmet and Neyland Stadium still means something. Beating Auburn and Vandy at home is in no way, shape or form an upset.
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"Favored" is a betting term. If the #2 team beats the #1 team it is an upset regardless of the point spread. Beating a higher ranked team is an upset. Vandy is ranked #34 in the USAToday poll and we are ranked #52, so that would be an upset if we played today.
I think I have a realistic view of our situation, but I don't view a win over Vandy or Auburn as an "upset" right now. A good win? Maybe.
"Favored" is a betting term. If the #2 team beats the #1 team it is an upset regardless of the point spread. Beating a higher ranked team is an upset. Vandy is ranked #34 in the USAToday poll and we are ranked #52, so that would be an upset if we played today.

So was it an upset a couple of years ago when Alabama beat LSU in the rematch? I mean, really. Who didn't see that coming?
Have we entered some kind of alternate reality? We're way down, but the T is still on the helmet and Neyland Stadium still means something. Beating Auburn and Vandy at home is in no way, shape or form an upset.

Agreed. We do need to stay healthy though.
Have we entered some kind of alternate reality? We're way down, but the T is still on the helmet and Neyland Stadium still means something. Beating Auburn and Vandy at home is in no way, shape or form an upset.
And if anybody in here thinks it is because of rankings or any other lameass reason they need to turn in their Vol fan card.
I think I'll keep my Vol fan card and turn in my Volnation fan card. I'm out.
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Honestly, if we beat all of Austin Peay, Western Kentucky, South Alabama, Missouri, Auburn, Vandy, and Kentucky, then none of those wins would strike me as an upset. We're supposed to beat these kinds of teams.

However, a win over Oregon, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, or Alabama, that would be an upset. We deserve more credit than we're being given. 7 wins is very attainable, and I wouldn't be surprised if we upset one of Florida, Georgia, or South Carolina to make it 8.
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Au has a ton of problems for one. New qb that's dynamic but only been a qb in one yr of juco. He is explosive and has good arm talent. However he turned the ball over more than 20 times in 12 games at juco. Their questionable in the trenches at both sides and just as thin as we are in the secondary. They just lost their leading tackler bc of an arrest. Moved a CB to starting safety in btw spring and fall camp. Rudy ford just moved to corner. They also don't have any WRs anyone is scared of in any way. Kinda like us. I really don't see them as an upset. Plus we play them at home and we were favored by 8 in the very early odds. Everything is not all gravy on the plains right now. They have recruited well but their players, like ours, have not been developed at all.
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Don't agree. This year we are good in the trenches. One of the best in the country and that should carry us to a winning season. Not an SEC championship, but winning season.

Next year we will be ridiculously good at skill positions including QB and secondary and young at LB. Ol will be good, not great. Year 3 we should have the talent to compete for SEC championship.

Will be solid at LB, skill positions, secondary, OL, RB, qb We should be top in SEC in all those.

So next 2 years middle of the pack, but year 3 is the year.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

+1, I think the coaching staff alone is good for 2 more wins than last year. If this staff had been here last year...IMO, we would have won 8 games. This year we beat AU & Vandy. I say 7-5 + bowl game.
Honestly, if we beat all of Austin Peay, Western Kentucky, South Alabama, Missouri, Auburn, Vandy, and Kentucky, then none of those wins would strike me as an upset. We're supposed to beat these kinds of teams.

However, a win over Oregon, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, or Alabama, that would be an upset. We deserve more credit than we're being given. 7 wins is very attainable, and I wouldn't be surprised if we upset one of Florida, Georgia, or South Carolina to make it 8.

:good!: :eek:k: Spot on. Finally someone looking at it very realistically, no orange colored glasses. Exactly the way I see it. I believe we beat SC as well for 8 wins.
I fear another injury or two could really hurt this team. We have talent. We just don't have ANY experience or depth other than the OL. Its like skating on thin ice.
Have we entered some kind of alternate reality? We're way down, but the T is still on the helmet and Neyland Stadium still means something. Beating Auburn and Vandy at home is in no way, shape or form an upset.

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