Really hurting. Any positives from this game?


Eddie Vol Halen

Senior Life Champion
Sep 2, 2012
Help a Vol fan out.

I was really drinking the CBJ Kool-Aid (and I never drank the Kiffin / Dooley and Sal snake oil).

But I just can find no positives from this. I don't really want to hear about "realism" or "nega". We got out-coached, out-played, out-manned, and out-performed in every aspect as far as I can tell. We are a long and mighty walk from SEC respectability.

I expected a loss, but I expected it to still be a game before halftime. It made the Dooley game look respectable.

Right now, I think the only positive will be if CBJ and the coaches can hold this team together. My faith is shaken. We might be headed for our first eight loss season in our history.
i do think things should get better as the year goes along,it does suck right now and it might get worse before it gets better , CBJs team did look worse than i thought they would be and that concerns me,but who the hell knows right now,it will be a wait and see what happens the rest of the year for sure
I'm positive just about any team save three or four would have walked onto that field and achieved the same outcome we did.

We got beat by the number 2 team in the country and after watching that game, I suspect they probably should be number 1. No matter who takes the field against Oregon, they are in for a fight and have a good chance of being on the wrong end of a lopsided score.

Have faith, Rome wasn't built in a day and I think you'll see better things as the season progresses.
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We held them to 5.1 yards a carry. 41 carries and 210 yards. I consider that to be a pretty big success, especially since They had rushed for 350 and 500 in the previous two games
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we have not the talent level accross the board yet.alot of what we have is young.its just going to take time. playing no one so far lulled us into thinking we where better than we where. still believe cbj is the man.
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All that we can really hope for from this game is that they learn from it and grow. "They" being not only the team but the coaching staff as well.
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Oregon is a very good football team, and I would not be surprised to see them National Championship bound. I did expect it to be closer, but in truth, I was also looking through orange glasses. We were a 5-7 team last year, we don't have much depth, we lost our offensive core, and we're learning new offensive and defensive schemes.

The positives? Despite the fact that we got blown out, the players did their best for ALL 4 quarters, as opposed to quitting at half time, which used to be the norm.

I think our BIGGEST obstacle is not having a QB that can throw the ball. I apologize to you pro-Worley-ers out there, but I've watched all three games from start to finish, and the guy is just not very accurate. His completion percentage is a facade, because most of his passes are 3-4 yards or screens. He can't make a decent throw more than 5 yards half the time, and if he has any pressure whatsoever then you can count it as an incompletion. Furthermore, Butch Jones' quarterbacks have been good about knowing when to keep the football and run down the open lane, and although I've seen Worley run about 5 times since the season started, I've definitely seen more missed opportunities where he could have gained some yardage instead of forcing a bad throw.

I know this is the 'positives' thread, but Worley irritated me all game. He will not be the starter after the Florida game if he performs the same way.
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I'm with you on the Worley part. Is Peterman, Ferg, or Dobbs the answer? I don't know but obviously Worley isn't.
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I don't think anyone knows the answer. Worley does do a good job of commanding the offense, but he needs to develop his talent.

Honestly, I think he's too worried about screwing up and/or losing the starting job that it affects his game-play.
if UT would have had a QB who could have completed a few long throws,it would have opened up a lot of other stuff for the Offense,I believe that CBJ will keep the 2 freshmen as red shirts if he can
I don't think anyone knows the answer. Worley does do a good job of commanding the offense, but he needs to develop his talent.

Honestly, I think he's too worried about screwing up and/or losing the starting job that it affects his game-play.

you are probably right about the screwing up part
I think the biggest positive is that the game is over and Oregon doesn't appear on our schedule anymore.

Also, playing anyone else is going to seem like slow-motion.

I'm interested in how we respond mentally going to Gainesville.
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Also- I do think that neither Ferg nor Dobbs see action this year. The core of the offense is the QB, and I think Butch wants to use the QBs that he recruited with his stellar, upcoming recruiting class(es). Get them to learn the plays and teach them how to lead, then let them loose with as many years as you can get from them.
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All that we can really hope for from this game is that they learn from it and grow. "They" being not only the team but the coaching staff as well.

I learned that we could have one of the best run blocking lines on a long time @ UT. Wish we were an I-formation team. Would love to see some old school run plays and play action passes. We don't have the qb or the speed at the skill spots to run the offense we run. But we do have some decent wideouts, which we can't use because of "Worstey".
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Why? What's the point of redshirting two QBs if one of them is good enough to play?

i believe that one of Worley or Petermen will leave after a stater is determined and if they play one of the red shirt freshmen,the other one will be looking to transfer out too,so they can get some playing time elsewhere and they haven't taken a QB this year as far as recruiting has gone,so 2 of our 4 QBs could be gone next year,so i would do everything i could to keep them,burning a red shirt,wouldn't be the way to go
All that we can really hope for from this game is that they learn from it and grow. "They" being not only the team but the coaching staff as well.

I think this is what has hurt the most. I thought the coaching gameplan was inept. We looked Sal and Dooley-esque, and I just didn't want to believe it.
I think this is what has hurt the most. I thought the coaching gameplan was inept. We looked Sal and Dooley-esque, and I just didn't want to believe it.

You ever think the game plan went exactly the way the coaches wanted it to go? Go out and play conservative, not get hurt (which happened anyway) and get ready for the SEC stretch starting this week?
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Another positive...finding parking for the S Alabama game will be a breeze.

JK...I'm hurting too, trying to laugh to keep from crying.
Why? What's the point of redshirting two QBs if one of them is good enough to play?

None of the freshman are good enough to play, if they were CBJ would have them starting. Dobbs, peterman, riley, are all average qbs, like the rest of our team with the exception of a couple players.We have become the south carolina of the 90's. Teams beat us with ease. Our rivals beat us with ease. We are not competitive and it is frustrating.Next year will be worse. Our whole O-line is GONE. We have some great recruits coming in but we losing a lot too. I don't know when the last time vandy beat us two times in a row but get ready for it. they have more talent and are more disciplined
The positive from this game? This was a game we were suppose to lose anyway. Our goal this year is 6 wins and a bowl game. 7 wins would be a great success in my mind. We got 2 already. We have 1 more cupcake left on the schedule. So we just need to win 3 of UK, Vandy, Auburn, Missouri (all beatable even by us)...and/or get 1 of FL, GA, USCe
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We wont see another offense with that many weapons again. oregon's game is based purely on speed. sec teams tend to play bigger and more physical which i think is a better match for us. i think they were literally the team we matched up the worst with in the country in all phases of the game.
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