Did you see Rick Reilly's column in the June 5 SI about the Carnegie Mellon runner the 'AA didn't allow into the NCAA Championships because his coach clicked the wrong box on an online entry form? That article, as well as anything I've ever read, shows what a confederacy of dunces the NCAA is.(vol_freak @ Jul 5 said::lol:
probably the truth.
I missed that one. Sounds pretty pathetic though.(hatvol96 @ Jul 5 said:Did you see Rick Reilly's column in the June 5 SI about the Carnegie Mellon runner the 'AA didn't allow into the NCAA Championships because his coach clicked the wrong box on an online entry form? That article, as well as anything I've ever read, shows what a confederacy of dunces the NCAA is.
"I'm just loving all these scholarship offers so far. It's getting very interesting now with schools like Georgia Tech and Tennessee stepping in, and I'm as excited as I can be."
"Anyone who can run like Cameron is going to get looked at, and the offer from Tennessee is a big one not only because of their football history, but they only have 16 scholarships to give out this year and Cam has received one of them."