I always find the debate on hating rivals interesting. I too had a staunch policy until some cousins and a brother in law joined the mix with rival affiliations, and i became older. I don't like their teams, but I like all of them, and they are fantastic to talk football with as long is it is shared rival. My one cousin gets some extra annoyance from me because he is insufferable (UGA) in winning, but takes his losses well enough.
As far as the Bama love I have been claimed to possess. I do hate them probably second to UF, but I will confess I am pretty impressed with what Saban has achieved. I have talked about them more than normal this year, because I think this may be one of Saban's best coaching performances, and the man is 70.
He will finish as likely the goat. IMO not as a Bama coach, just as a coach. I think there are a couple of schools Saban could have performed his feats at. Some maybe even easier than Bama. It was just our unfortunate luck he ended up at Bama. For that i truly despise them.
Same as it was Vandy's and Bama's luck that Neyland ended up with us. I can always respect greatness when I see it. I hate Tom Brady with a passion, but he was a bad ass.