Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Mmm lot o sugar and no caffeine. Definitely on the larger side then. I’ll go with 5. Maybe 6. Topped with Dijon mustard and dashes of spices. Paprika/chili powder/turmeric/cumin all good options.
I feel like i could eat 10, but bet I couldn't get past 5-7
When did you sense I was virtue signaling? Not everything has to have a label, and is 🦛💩. I mean almost everything is 🦛💩.

Like why all Scooters Coffee places are built in most random places, and are never busy. Then across the street another coffee place is going in, on an equally less busy place.
Lol..good one
Glad Bru is coming back. Will be interesting to see what he looks like after that injury though.
Imo he is not the kind of guy that will come back and play...I'll use the word "apprehensive" so as to not disparage a Justin Hunter did after his injury.

I think he will be out there mauling fools to prove a point.

To that end...I think this is something guys like Webb or Nimrod should learn, and bulk up and work on more..being an invaluable (in this offense) physical mauler and dependable target.

I will say..In all the criticism of their supposed uselessness...if you pay attention when watching the replay you will see Webb doing some very good work blocking and being a dependable target.
You’re absolutely ridiculous. DK not that guy??? Because he had 2 bad games after rolling his ankle??? He dominated North Carolina and Illinois games that mattered.

And JJJ is averaging 12 PPG and 7 rebounds and has been our all-around best player this year. Sheesh.
Why were you arguing with hom? He is a nega-Barnes troll...period. The only people he ever makes any sense to is the Idiot Margin.
It's actually pretty embarrassing that Saban couldn't make the playoff with last year's roster and got blessed by the committee to make the playoff this year, but still couldn't win. They had like 88% blue chips on their roster last year and 90% this year. Milroe is an excuse, I guess. No excuse for last year. And they get all the calls and second chances in the world and still come up short.
Milroe is not an excuse for them being so sloppy and inconsistent at several positions, and undeveloped across the OL.

Also...who is to blame for the QB and WR evaluations and development?

Saban and his staff are not what they used to be...they only things propping them up is the talent they have stacked up and Birmingham stacking the deck for them with their 🦬💩 corrupt officials...mostly the latter.
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