You remember whenever people throughout the years have talked, have ranted, have raved about the powers that be not liking us...downright hating us? Whenever they would talk about a conspiracy against us, both on and off the field of play? Whenever they would bring evidence upon evidence of such? For years now.
Also, do you remember those that laughed and scoffed at the people saying such things? Those that condescended with their "lol's", with their emoji's, with their charts, stats, and data? Those that liked to say, "We love being victims"; or, "Every fanbase says that". Remember them? Those that would outright ignore blatant lies spoken about UT, it's teams, it's players, it's coaches, it's fans...remember them? Those that thought they were so smart and clever, trying to convince others that the people speaking up were delusional with "homerism"...that the things they were talking about, they just made them up out of the blue. Remember them? Those that chose to ignore probe after probe up our asses, while others were allowed to operate without even so much as a sniff in their direction. Remeber them?
Remember all this?