Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Escuse? It is zero to do with it - eff em.

The whole thing is just depressing. We're peaking in every sport...and now this BS? And now the trolls come out. And it's another year of bickering like the Pruitt crap.

We went from AI pictures and having a blast and now the sours are coming out of the woodworks. It just sucks all around

Hopefully folks keep up their usual chatter. Can't take 12 months of this nonsense and everyone talking worst case scenarios. Nope. Won't do it.

Thank goodness for Barnes Ball and Vitello Time coming up. I'll focus on that and steer the convo to the good things. Suck it chi chi rodriguez 😛🥳
It is depressing. And maddening.

But it’s pretty big news and it literally just happened. You trying to change the topic just feels like you’re trying to draw heat away from the people responsible for it. I’m sorry, but it does.
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It’s such an unwinnable situation for them that I’ve become convinced they’re just doing it to let it hang over our heads for a couple of years.

I'm not 100 percent on the NCAAs organization but I have a feeling it's organized like a lot of older orgs are with countless subcommittees and working groups all doing their own thing. They've grown so large over the years that they have no idea what someone else in another dept. is doing and even work against one another at times. The NCAA needs to be completely re-organized and streamlined. But at this point, I don't know how that can happen without some more losses. Of course, at the rate they're going they'll hit their existential crisis sooner rather than later.
The problem with all this is the damage has already been done. Opposing coaches will use this to say Tennessee is about ready to be thrown under the jail, whether true or not. Whomever is behind this has already gotten the desired affect. If I'm Tennessee, I'm sending a letter to the NCAA demanding that they dispute the report or they'll sued into oblivion.

I am not an insider, but I have a strange suspicion that somewhere behind all this is someone yelling, “ Row dam tide!”
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I'm not 100 percent on the NCAAs organization but I have a feeling it's organized like a lot of older orgs are with countless subcommittees and working groups all doing their own thing. They've grown so large over the years that they have no idea what someone else in another dept. is doing and even work against one another at times. The NCAA needs to be completely re-organized and streamlined. But at this point, I don't know how that can happen without some more losses. Of course, at the rate they're going they'll hit their existential crisis sooner rather than later.
It needs to be disbanded. It has no purpose in a non-amateur college sports environment.
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