Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Thanks, Joe?
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I don’t like change
I haven't. Hope it's nothing, but if it is something just hoping there is a good reason.

I haven't heard of any issues with him - good guy, good team player, wants to compete, etc.
Prolly heard D4H isn’t impressed with him and has Merklinger as the starter next year. 😏
How many cases are there where the rapist gets away with no consequence?
I don't want a rapist to get away...but I sure as hell don't want an innocent person being sent to jail just because he is a jerk, and some gold diggers decided to try and cash out.

I don't know about this one either way, but I don't trust the California justice system or jurors as far as I can throw them.

If you say there is no reason at all to have at least a little doubt about this verdict...then whatever.

I hope if he is guilty that he pays for it.
How many cases are there where the rapist gets away with no consequence?
I would imagine there have been many.

As there have been many cases of wrongfully accused, and convicted. Especially in this country.

We have a long history of wrongfully convicting poor and dispriveleged men based on the testimony of those from a more wealthy and powerful class.

(Edit: I realize Masterson isn’t poor and disprivileged, speaking generally above)
I don't want a rapist to get away...but I sure as hell don't want an innocent person being sent to jail just because he is a jerk, and some gold diggers decided to try and cash out.

I don't know about this one either way, but I don't trust the California justice system or jurors as far as I can throw them.

If you say there is no reason at all to have at least a little doubt about this verdict...then whatever.

I hope if he is guilty that he pays for it.
Celebrities and Athletes sometimes think they are above the law because of who they are...but you're rite there are many women and men looking to make the fast buck in situations like this...
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Your deflection of blame instead of accepting responsibility for your traitorous action is exactly the sort of perfidious prevarication I expect from you..

What's neckts? @Glitch going to start a fall practice thread to usurp @Fingers? Bring some "UT vs the maxims" and get shot by @OneManGang's army buddies?

Traditions must be honored

FWIW you can have the "girls of..." threads; it is a lot of work searching out hot college girls in school colors on the interwebs, hehe. Just keep an eye out for that Ron Mexico dude
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