Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Little known fact, the woooo pig sooey call origin is that it’s the sound heard from the other side of the hill top when a local arkansasan heard another see their crack lab about to explode.
My first thought was poor dog! Wonder which type of Labrador that is….

Then, wait a minute then reread…

That’s kinda funny.

In my defense, I am providing medical coverage for Parklands Camp for Burn Injured Children. Just a little tired…
There's a reason nearly all regulars have stopped coming around. The like system didn't do any favors. You can check the replies to this and find a bunch of "gotcha" replies to get internet points.

There are some for sure but hardly what I would call the "core". No offense, but there are 0 remaining that people actually came here to read for many years.
These posts remind me of the time I told the Zone they weren't funny like they used to be. It went on for a little while and eventually the whole forum was ticked. Looking back, I could have handled things differently. They made a "TN-POSSUM needs to GTFO" thread. 🤣

@RudyVol, specifically, who are you missing?
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