Recruiting Football Talk VII

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I have season tickets at Neyland. I happily drive 4 hours to most home games. But I haven’t had much interest to going to this one despite living only 20 minutes away. Not sure why - other than the atmosphere at neyland pregame and during is priceless.
I feel exactly the same way…. will probably end up getting tickets
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The differences between a high 4 star and a mid 4 star may not be that great. Maybe one or two measurables are better but that does not mean that is a better player. Everyone can bow to the feet of the recruiting services all they want but I don't believe they are evaluators of talent at all.Are you trying to tell me the "adjustments " made due to camps or when there aren't even any camps are justification for drops or raises in their rankings.If you are you're a fool,the underwear olympics mean nothing in regards to what type of player they will be. Is it nice to see us ranked high in recruiting, sure but at the end of the day if we are ranked in the 20's and get the players our coaches wanted I'm ecstatic,but to each his own, you do you. Just don't act like the rest of us are idiots because you disagree, the truth is the recruiting services adjust their rankings based on the teams that they commit to more than their talent level as well as who forked out the most money for their camps.Not trying to convince anybody,but the argument is no different than religion everybody thinks their right but NOBODY KNOWS.
That's what I was about to say. I think we got squeezed badly. Don't you, @MarcoVol? I figure you would have an eye for it.

Thought he had a tight zone for both teams. Big league zone. I’d imagine a pitch cast showing balls and strikes would show he didn’t miss many calls but I could be wrong. Always a little tough to tell bc the CF camera is angled.
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