Recruiting Football Talk VII

The gf must not spit on that thang comment is hilarious though lol
I honestly don't find that whole deal funny or anything else. I pray my daughters are never on video talking about anything of the sort. I pray that video doesn't cause her more grief than she bargained for.
I honestly don't find that whole deal funny or anything else. I pray my daughters are never on video talking about anything of the sort. I pray that video doesn't cause her more grief than she bargained for.
I think it says something about society that it has become so popular.
McGill....How long have you "known" me? What % of my posts would you say are serious or not joking in any way. Easily less than 10%. The vast vast majority of my posts are light hearted or just flat out sarcasm. I am aware how difficult it is to get one hole in one, let alone two in one round, let alone two on back to back holes.

I knew that...but I wanted to show how big my brain was...😉
Easy now... remember, when they took up the artificial turf at Neyland they exposed a bigass sinkhole underneath. That whole area is a karst mess with water soluble limestone under there. When they built the north stands they had to drill deep caissons to find stable bedrock.
Yeah...and we've played football in front of millions of screaming jumping fans on top of that mess for 100+ years...and sinkhole..

Proof...that the good lord loves Tennessee.
I'm proud to say that I have 5 of them to my credit. Been playin' the game for 53 years
Closest I've been is about a foot away..I've hit the pin a couple times and bounced a few feet away, but that's it.

Man I wish I could still play...I hate my broken down body. 😒
I honestly don't find that whole deal funny or anything else. I pray my daughters are never on video talking about anything of the sort. I pray that video doesn't cause her more grief than she bargained for.
Do not disagree, but on the flip side....


It’s hard for me to express my disdain for Greg Sankey and the other decision-makers who eagerly allowed this trash to pollute our conference so they could chase a few more bucks.

What makes them think they could dominate the sec when until last year they couldn’t even win their own conference

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