Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Kamara for me

Tough to say.

CP: Elite KR, very good WR (could have been elite with better route running/understanding of the playbook), not properly utilized at RB until years into his NFL career

AK: Elite RB, good at catching passes, good punt returner

Just based on versatility, I'd probably go CP. He would house at least 2-3 kickoffs. Would score on a few end-arounds guaranteed. Would probably break a few TDs up the gut at RB. And would smoke defenders for at least 5-6 long bomb TDs that Heupel loves to dial up.

Kamara would be a godsend in this offense too, of course, but I think CP would ultimately put more points on the board. And honestly, Sampson isn't THAT far off from what Kamara brought (obviously AK is better, but Sampson is gonna eat this year). We don't have anyone remotely comparable to CP on this roster. He is a generational talent.
This is dumb. Milton all day. Limited somewhat but a great Teammate. JG didn't make anyone around him want to play harder. Both are gone. Better to look ahead.
I think we should look ahead as well but in JG’s defense…. the culture was set by the different coaching staffs. JG may have been a different player/person under Heup.
Tough to say.

CP: Elite KR, very good WR (could have been elite with better route running/understanding of the playbook), not properly utilized at RB until years into his NFL career

AK: Elite RB, good at catching passes, good punt returner

Just based on versatility, I'd probably go CP. He would house at least 2-3 kickoffs. Would score on a few end-arounds guaranteed. Would probably break a few TDs up the gut at RB. And would smoke defenders for at least 5-6 long bomb TDs that Heupel loves to dial up.

Kamara would be a godsend in this offense too, of course, but I think CP would ultimately put more points on the board. And honestly, Sampson isn't THAT far off from what Kamara brought (obviously AK is better, but Sampson is gonna eat this year). We don't have anyone remotely comparable to CP on this roster. He is a generational talent.
It's really close to me.

Can't ignore CP on those bubble screens. He would have teams worried to death about those. I doubt they'd ever play off of him, so that would mean he could get them deep or keep other guys open.

Heup makes it so easy for RB's in this offense and we've had a lot of guys not take advantage of the holes they are given. That wouldn't happen with Kamara. A truly elite RB takes this thing to a different level I think. Maybe Sampson can do that. Dude looks so much like Kamara it's crazy. If our WR play is more like 22' then that will just make it easier on Samp to make plays. GAWD I CANT WAIT. Are we gonna be nasty?
I have a very big decision coming up. I have heard when you have a big decision, it is best to look in the mirror.

Apparently, it helps you reflect.
I think we should look ahead as well but in JG’s defense…. the culture was set by the different coaching staffs. JG may have been a different player/person under Heup.
That's why I think our fans should tone down the persistent JG hate. He had just about the worst set of circumstances a QB could have with the poor o-line early on that just about got him killed to the yearly changes to the staff and offensive system. The dude gave it his all. If he had the transfer rules that are in place now, I wouldn't be surprised if he had been able to salvage his college career elsewhere. I always thought he was physically very talented but was clearly a guy that needed at least two years of development with the same system and coaches.
Not to digress from this very important JG vs Milton debate, but seeing all the Bronny headlines on ESPN has me thinking it could be a good thing for DK. Takes some of the media pressure off him at least for the first year. He’s got some more work to do on the defensive side of the ball, but I think his offensive skills will translate immediately.
July 7, 1865
It was hot that day, reportedly a 100 degrees. Sweat surely dripped down the accused’s faces as they passed by the cheap pine coffins and shallow graves that had been dug for them.

After the Lincoln assassination, the government arrested several hundred people. Most were soon released due to a lack of evidence. However, the government did charge eight people with conspiracy. On May 1, 1865, President Andrew Johnson ordered the formation of a military commission to try the accused persons.

The actual trial began on May 10th and lasted for about seven weeks. The defendants were allowed to have lawyers and witnesses, but they were not allowed to testify themselves.
A guilty verdict could come with a majority vote of the nine-member commission; death sentences required the votes of six members. The next day, it reached its verdicts. The Commission found seven of the prisoners guilty of at least one of the conspiracy charges.

Four of the prisoners: Mary Surratt, Lewis Powell, George Atzerodt, and David Herold were sentenced “to be hanged by the neck until he [or she] be dead”.

Samuel Arnold, Dr. Samuel Mudd, and Michael O’Laughlen were sentenced to “hard labor for life, at such place at the President shall direct”, Edman Spangler received a six-year sentence. The next day General Hartrandft informed the prisoners of their sentences. He told the four condemned prisoners that they would hang the next day.

Shortly after the afternoon of July 7, 1865, the four condemned conspirators were forced to climb the hastily built gallows that they had heard being tested the night before from their prison cells.

More than 1,000 people—including government officials, members of the U.S. armed forces, friends and family of the accused, official witnesses, and reporters—had come with their exclusive tickets to see this execution.

Nooses were placed around the accused’s necks and hoods over their heads. Ever since the sentences had been handed down a week ago, Surratt’s lawyers and her daughter Anna had been fighting and pleading for her death sentence to be changed.

After the last rites and shortly after 1:30 PM, the trap door was opened and all four fell. It was reported that Atzerodt yelled at this very last moment: “May we meet in another world”. Within minutes, they were all dead.

The bodies continued to hang and swing for another 25 minutes before they were cut down.

Over the years, critics have attacked the verdicts, sentences, and procedures of the 1865 Military Commission. These critics have called the sentences unduly harsh and criticized the rule allowing the death penalty to be imposed with a two-thirds vote of Commission members.

The hanging of Mary Surratt, the first woman ever executed by the United States, has been a particular focus of criticism. Critics also have complained about the standard of proof, the lack of opportunity for defense counsel to adequately prepare for the trial, the withholding of potentially exculpatory evidence, and the Commission’s rule forbidding the prisoners from testifying on their own behalf.

Well guys I just got word that @SweetasSoda passed away today at 12:59 pm. Please keep her family in your prayers in the coming days. 😭
I’m so very sad.
Every page of VN that I’ve read there was dread that SweetAsSoda was going to pass.

She’s always been the sweetest person on VN. She will be missed greatly. I’m positive that she’s going to keep watching over us.

Vescovi yesterday didn't score a point but his +/- was +17 while playing showing how much he impacted the game without scoring. By playing defense and not turning the ball over. Santi will make a squad may not be the Warriors but another team will want him. Patrick Beverley offense sucked when he first went into league but stuck around because of his defensive intensity. Santi is by far a better offensive player than Beverly.
I would love to see it. But, I am going to have to see it. I wish him nothing but the best and if he makes an NBA roster, that would be fantastic.
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