Recruiting Football Talk VII

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And not real, salted and aged Tennessee country ham, either. Red-eye gravy not happening in Canadia.
My mammaw in Athens, TN made me red eye gravy on the regular. Then I would whittle a cedar stick with pappaw until we needed to go "check on the cows" (his excuse for hitting the bottle of Drambuie he kept hidden in the barn)

Man, 6 year old me felt so grown up... coffee and knife play before noon
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Sitting white section for checker

Orange pants purchased

Going fully Dooley... sans the stupid leather hat and stoolView attachment 585587
Orange section here.. praise Moses. It'll be my third checker Neyland. Both prior were Ws over Florida and in an orange section. It's science. Prophecy.
Ok so I have a burn that's prob a week old and I'm starting to get kinda worried because now that the blister is gone it's turning white. It's hard to tell if it's 2nd degree or 3rd and the white/wet wound look with red edges is reallly worrying me. Docs?
If it hurts then it’s 2nd degree.
If there’s no pain then it’s 3rd degree. (Destroyed the skin nerves)

Gently wash it using Dove soap and a clean washcloth. Need to get the dead blistered skin off so that it doesn’t get infected. Don’t have to get all the dead skin off the first time. Don’t let the burn base dry out, causes more scarring. Keep an antibiotic ointment on it. If you can get a prescription for Silvadene, that’s the best way to protect it until it is fully healed.

Take a marker and outline the red area(just outside it on the normal skin) if it is infected, the redness will increase and cross the line.
Burns turn red as they heal typically.

How big is the burn area?
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