Recruiting Football Talk VIII

Okay for all you VN betting folks, here’s one for you.
I have two partners in clinic together on Thursdays. One is a Missouri fan. The other is a Vanderbilt fan (went there for med school. Played DB for Princeton. Very football savvy)

I tried to get them to bet on the mizzou-vandy game this Saturday. The mizzou guy was in. The vandy guy said nope.

I then asked him if he would like to bet on the Tennessee-vandy game and he responded “oh Hell no!”

So I looked at my mizzou partner and said since we don’t play each other this season, here’s our head to head bet:
Which ever team beats vandy by the most points in their respective game is the winner of our bet!
Mizzou is in. Vandy walked away muttering cuss words about us. 😂
Then mizzou said that he only went with the bet to eff with vandy. He said that there’s no way that mizzou will score more points than Tennessee. Even against vandy. We fist bumped because he said it right as vandy was coming back to the conversation. Vandy just shook his head and went back to his clinic area. 😎

Life is fun when you’re a Volunteer! (It’s always been that way for me, even though the bad times) especially now!

16-0 🤠
Tell Vandy guy, "At least you still have baseball....oh, wait...."
Please dont get me started again. Id just gotten past the 'needed to recruit better' and 'gotta learn to close', BVS crap.
I’ve come to accept that one never “gets past” BVS. It can be treated and managed with program success, but it’s always liable to flare up.
Pretty good odds we run it down their throats tomorrow (or at least make that the game plan). Young QB with Heard out against a stout defensive front. We've executed 12 personnel very well and our run game has been our strength thus far.

I'm thinking heavy dose of the run with some sprinkled in deep shots. Force them to stop our ground game.
Pretty good odds we run it down their throats tomorrow (or at least make that the game plan). Young QB with Heard out against a stout defensive front. We've executed 12 personnel very well and our run game has been our strength thus far.

I'm thinking heavy dose of the run with some sprinkled in deep shots. Force them to stop our ground game.
that has probaby been this week and every weekly game plan
Both tight ends are good enough that I don’t think heard forcing us into those sets is the end of the world. It’s not like they’re only blocking tight ends.
I am not worried at all.

It’s not like Heupel just realized heard couldn’t go.

We will be fine.

We are simply the better team. The better program.

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