Recruiting Football Talk VIII

If we don't win today by 35+ then this isn't the team we thought they were. Then time to start playing the young guys for next year. Evaluate each and every coach's damn worth. Too much fat on this roster and staff as it is.

I'll be sure to take notes, so we can do a full eval on Sunday.
18 years since we’ve beaten a Top 15 team on the road? Lol. Wow. If that doesn’t say how long we slugged through the doldrums nothing does.
Tbf when we have played a top 15 team on the road it has looked something like:

#1 Bama
#1 Bama
#1 Bama
#1 UGA
#3 Oregon
#10 Oklahoma
#1 Bama


Often not an 11-15 team in the bunch
If we don't win today by 35+ then this isn't the team we thought they were. Then time to start playing the young guys for next year. Evaluate each and every coach's damn worth. Too much fat on this roster and staff as it is.

I'll be sure to take notes, so we can do a full eval on Sunday.
I know good and well you know how to use blue font
How's everyone feeling about the officials today?

With the amount of money on the vols, I just can't shake the feeling there will be some head scratching calls.
Well it's a road game and we are a high penalty prone team, offensive scheme.

Will be plenty of calls for sure I imagine.

And yet we still win by 40.
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