Recruiting Football Talk VIII

I am going to end on this and get something productive done.

We are the best i can remember in decades.

We play a top 15 team on the road for a likely playoff spot Saturday.

We have the most electric offense in my life.

We have one of rhe most suffocating defenses i can remember.

We all have free will to participate in that journey however we like.

We should celebrate the good because we've already spent entirely too much time lamenting the bad in prior seasons.
. I accidentally hit quote and don’t know how to make it stop!

But @DD4ME - well said.
If we don't win today by 35+ then this isn't the team we thought they were. Then time to start playing the young guys for next year. Evaluate each and every coach's damn worth. Too much fat on this roster and staff as it is.

I'll be sure to take notes, so we can do a full eval on Sunday.

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