Recruiting Football Talk VIII

To our female posters:

Do you think it's weird that your old man can talk to a stranger for an hour like they've been friends for years and never learn their name?
Ask my wife. We'll stop in home depot. She says, "You going to be long?" I say "nah, just got to get some wood glue." "I'll stay in the car then", she says. 45 min later, she says, "Wth took so long?" Me, "I ran into a guy." Wife, "Who was it?" Me, "I don't know, he was looking for the 4" round to 4x10 rectangular duct metal adaper and took him over to where it was and we got to talkin'. He has two kids just like us but he and his wife divorced about two years ago. He caught her cheatin'. Sad story."
Why the **** do you bring the rumor I’m hearing card to the forum and then not say **** about it….
That’s ********
Grow some balls and say what you heard instead of acting like a teenage drama queen bitch

I’m so ****ing tired of you people and these heard this rumor ******** going around when thing start going good

Say what you heard or gtfoh….
Forgotten Cheese is @Weezer ’s stage name 😂

I know because he got my email and keeps spamming me to join his for fans only web experience 😳
Doc is one of my top subscribers. Don't let his denials to the contrary fool you. He likes to claim it's research, but we all know the truth.

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