Recruiting Football Talk VIII

Why the **** do you bring the rumor I’m hearing card to the forum and then not say **** about it….
That’s ********
Grow some balls and say what you heard instead of acting like a teenage drama queen bitch

I’m so ****ing tired of you people and these heard this rumor ******** going around when thing start going good

Say what you heard or gtfoh….
Amen. @Weezer is a rumor starter. As the World Turns with that purple fuzzball.
Rumblings his agent told him not to play till he’s 100%. Didn’t travel, can’t imagine the coaches are happy.
I'm sure that @magalovinvol is up to date on all the inner 'workins' of voldem. Sure she won't reveal her source (ahem, Facebook).

Heard was heralded as an exemplary type personality during his recruitment. Doesnt strike me as the type to have ongoing drama.
Rumblings his agent told him not to play till he’s 100%. Didn’t travel, can’t imagine the coaches are happy.
The Tennessee Defense and Offense is better than the OU Defense and Offense. If Tennessee gets beat tonight, it won’t be because we are missing our LT.

Side note, the NFL draft process is so absolutely thorough, you rumbling rumor is so ridiculous, no agent would ever advise their amateur client this.

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