Recruiting Football Talk VIII

Went out to mow the yard earlier today. I put the radio on local ESPN station to keep up with scores and maybe catch some UT-OK talk.
Lord have mercy Dooley was the “expert” coach😳🤬
I nearly hit a tree in my neighbors yard🫣
Turn that 💩 off!!

Dooley and Matt Simms. Dooley coached him. Interesting to hear them talk about us and the talent tax.
As of today...I have lost 50 medical or surgical help, I can't even really exercise effectively due to my horrific extreme arthritis...just pure will power and commitment.

I thank the good Lord for helping me with my will power as I have continually asked him to. Many times I have gotten aggravated, anxious or depressed which has usually triggered me to quit in times past, but I have prayed my way through it.

Now...50 more to go!

PS...this is really starting to help with the arthritic problems, I never feel good, but I feel tons better and if it continues to improve, I should soon be able to go to the gym and get even healthier.

I know most don't care and know some will mock faith having anything to do with it...but maybe somebody will get something from this to help them along a similar path.

And I owe God everything, especially the easiest thing to praise.

1st Peter 2: 9
Proud of you.
Butt is picked before their Butt is kicked.

Smoke ring and flavor turned out good.

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