Recruiting Football Talk VIII

Looks like the next medal events of the day involve kayaking. Not sure if we have a good kayaking team or not.
What happened to Ronnie Coleman could happen to any heavy lifter… He had herniated disks and hip issues from lifting insane amount of weight. I watched a video on a guy that took insane amount of steroids to see how big he could get…. It was disgusting looking at that guy.
Steroids raise hell with joints. I knew a kid juiced out of his mind who was complaining about swollen ankles. It was weird because the swelling was very firm. Had them looked and the swelling was due to his hip joints deteriorating and it was settling in his ankles.
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Looks like the next medal events of the day involve kayaking. Not sure if we have a good kayaking team or not.

We have the 2nd highest ranked woman in the competition, but the lone US man competing is the lowest ranked.
Pole vault final later today. U.S. guy is ranked third, so there's a chance he could get gold.
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LOL I was looking at that too. Could just be the beginning if we're hitting a recession though.
What I see in rural areas. People that have money, are buying more and more land. Getting into positions of power, and making moves. People from Cali, NY, TX selling, moving jacking prices up. It's really going to be an issue, the economy.

Haves want you renting, from them. 20-30% prop tax increases, high gas prices. People wont be able to afford to live with 3% increase on salary.
Yeah, we're positioned to have more to win for sure...don't think China will be favorites in many events left.
I think we should win the most gold when all is said and done, but the U.S. Olympic committee needs to do something about the sports we suck at. Like men's gymnastics and ping pong!
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