@TheMookieMonster started that sh-t. Came in here posting that football should be moved to the parking lot and everything given to baseball. People called him out for being the hysterical yo-yo
belligerent way he is when
any Tennessee team loses. (He does it in the baseball and basketball forums, too). Then he ran back to the basketball forum and tried to see how many people there he could fool or entice into condemning football. A classic trollish completely unfounded "us vs them" solicitation. Embarrassingly, several basketball regulars in a row co-signed his BS.
@mr.checkerboards was MUCH more reasonable Saturday night than @TheDookieMonster. Checker may have responded to the Dookie and Dookie spun it as bashing basketball. This is the only Forum on VN, apparently, that supports the Big 3 whole-heartedly and NEVER goes snide on another one of our programs to brownnose.
So enough of that.