I was in real estate a while back. We had this man come in wearing crazy looking rings and a wild looking necklace, like a redneck hippy.
I was showing him some property in Gatlinburg and started asking about the crazy jewelry to break the ice.
He was a gem trader, had a different name for it but cant remember what he called it. He traded only "lightning ridge opal". He was carrying 2-3 big opals on him in his pockets. Craziest looking colors you can imagine.
Reminds me of gollum now, like he had some sort of opal addiction. He kept saying, "look at this one. See the fire in it?" or "Look at the way this one fires up in the light."
He had a storage cabinet in the back of his SUV filled with them. I thought they were just some knock off type of opal like you could buy at The Thrifty Center.
It was before smartphones, so I didn't look them up til later that evening. Turns out those opals were worth thousands each. The really big ones were like $8-$10k. I bet the dude had $500-$600k in the back of his SUV. He was wearing probably $30k in jewelry. You'd never know it, unless you knew what those stones were.
I guess people that do that work ride around with a lot of valuable gems on them. Still, this guy seemed over the top, like he was hoarding them instead of trading/selling them.
Anyway, I've always wanted a nice Lightning Ridge Opal ever since.