In contrast to me is not how much Vols beat Kentucky but how bad my USAFA Falcons lose to Army

If only it was a spelling contest

Watched a cool doc on Amazon/NF about the Clanton/McLaury gang. Movie portrayal of Ike was so great, showing his cowardice, his feelings toward the cowboy gang as family, his me first mentality, and mouth first bravado.
What it didnt conceptualize is that, he was always the alpha of Cowboy gang. Curly Bill was Lieutenant, and wasnt until after the war started that Bill became a central figure, same for Ringo.
Also interesting is how Tombstone became ground zero for what is still a politically relevant idea now, 100 years later. South versus North.
Think about this. Ike was a 'dumb renegade.' However, this dumb cowboy not only managed to allude capture, he managed to eek out and maintain a covert, guerrilla type warfare of logistics, disinformation, deflection, and lying/cheating for years. What's crazy, had it not been for 1 eye witness, an outsider of whom Clanton had murdered a person, in front of him. He would have framed Doc Holliday and Wyatt Earp for murder.
Interestingly, Sheriff Behan was an important political figure. His testimony, which was clearly false, occurred due to Wyatt, 'not being an oak.'
Wyatt, Holiday, and others were only local Police. And Behan was their boss. So when they went on killing spree, they were fugitives.
Wasnt until the US Marshalls were brought in they killed Clanton some half a decade later, when Holiday and Wyatt had already left Arizona