I also preferred acid to shrooms overall and also did not like the stomach irritation as I already have IBS. I really like 4-ACO-DMT as it metabolizes into psilocin without the chitin which bothers your stomach and the other, mildly hallucinogenic, entourage chemicals which shrooms contain. Some people call it clean shrooms or space age shrooms for that reason while some may prefer shrooms as the other constituents make it "earthier". The visuals are more intense for me than acid was and are a bit more electric compared to shrooms. It still makes my body feel kind of weak like shrooms though which I do not like. Acid is definitely more energetic and, to my mind, more philosophical. I've also had some intense, weird sex on acid.
Had a few good trips on shrooms. One where like 30 of us went to a waterfall all tripping and me and a friend came to the conclusion we could control the movement and shape of the clouds with our minds. And another where my friend who was driving down the interstate and I felt the entire world flip 90 degrees and it felt like his car was going to fall off the side of the earth. I have no idea how he drove home but neither of us could get out of his car for about 3 hours without falling to the ground and crawling back to the car

And our other friend made the interesting statement, "Wow, it's like a red, electic, fishnet is covering the entire world". A few years later I was studying Neural Networks and my professor, who always delved far deeper into the processing layers of the mind and the type of filtering that needs to occur to various stimuli before feeding it to a Neural Network than most researchers, was talking about the blind spot in our eyes but also mentioned that we've learned to filter out the sight of blood vessels in front of our retina. And it immediately hit me that this was what my friend was seeing!! Huxley also talked a lot about the things we filter out of consciousness in Doors of Perception. I recall he mentioned that a friend's wife talked about all these beautiful things she was seeing in the world which she had never noticed and they did not realize she was in the early stages of schizophrenia and perhaps some of those filters are needed for survival.
4-ACO-DMT and MET are the only research chemicals I've tried. MET is supposed to be very similar to DMT when freebased but the batch I bought was fumerate and I haven't attempted to convert to freebase. Glad to hear you survived 30 hits of acid!! That's a truly radical amount to take. It's my understanding, and has been my experience, that you can only reach a certain peak on acid relative to it's quality, and taking more just extends that peak. So I imagine that was an insanely long trip!!
I love early Pink Floyd as well and it's sad what happened to Syd. But I also love Gilmour and think he's one of the greatest guitarists ever. Saw them play Astronomy Domine on the Division Bell tour which was truly unexpected and awesome!! I'm also a big fan of Black Sabbath (Ozzy and Dio eras), Zeppelin, Jethro Tull, and Tangerine Dream. Also love Blackmore's Rainbow with Dio. On Stage is one of the best live albums I've ever heard. Hendrix, Santana, and Ozric Tentacles are some other bands I enjoy.
It's been great conversing with you as well. Thanks for the great vibes and I wish the same to you!! Hope you also stay safe on any future trips.